~90125 - Part 3~


Nicole was still restless that night, and didn't feel like returning Mike's phone call. In her Garfield pajamas and rollers in her hair, she leaned toward the nightstand to see what time it was--2:48 a.m.! She tried her best not to think of what all took place several hours ago with Davy, so she reached for her CD player (with headphones) and popped in "Beethoven at Bedtime". Yes, she enjoyed the contemporary music as well as the next person, but classical music was her most valuable resource. She used that music to help her concentrate on serious workloads, release her creativity, and find some peace during stressful times in her life.

Track #5 was playing at the time, and then the phone rang.


"Why didn't you call me back?"

"Mike, please...let's not GO there tonight..."

" So which Beethoven piece is it THIS time?"

"'Pathetique' sonata..."

"Nikki, I wish you'd let me know what's going on. I can tell in your voice that somethin's up--"

"Would you mind waiting tomorr--...or should I say, later on TODAY at school? I'm not ready to share it now. I PROMISE to let you know...later."

"All righty then..."

When Mike met Nicole at her locker during one of the passing periods, he saw that she didn't quite look like her usual self. For one thing, her beautiful hair was pulled back...it was a messed-up combination of a ponytail and a bun. And her eyes were bloodshot from all that crying and limited amount of sleep.

Seeing that she wasn't in the mood for his wisecracks or "big brother" comments he usually makes, Mike stood by her side quietly. He put his hand on her shoulder, waiting patiently for her to speak. As she reached into her locker to exchange books and folders, Nicole acknowledged his touch with a grin.

"Thank God it's Friday..." she said, still looking inside of her locker while biting her lip...trying to hold back the tears. Then as Mike walked behind her, hugging her from behind and rested his chin on her shoulder, she let the tears fall.

She placed her hands on top of his and heard him say, "I know that you'll need more time, Nikki. I'm here for you if you need me."

She gently pat his hands and said, "Thanks, good buddy..." with her cracking voice.

When they both raised their heads, they saw Davy walking in their direction with some of his friends. Nicole was able to gently break free from Mike's embrace in time--she didn't want Davy to look their way and get the wrong impression. But Mike stayed nearby anyway, with one hand on her back. He wasn't about to leave her alone at this moment.

Nicole noticed a change in Davy's demeanor. She saw him laughing and joking with his buddies from a distance...but as he got closer to her, he had a skeptical look on his face. When Davy approached the two of them, he noticed Mike's hand touching Nicole's back.

" Nicole, are you ready?" Davy asked, seriously.

(Usually around this time, Davy would come by to escort Nicole to her next class while holding hands.)

She closed her locker door and, getting over the shock of his finally speaking to her, replied, "Uh...okay, sure... We'll go over that chemistry homework later,'kay Mike?"

"Mm-hmm..." Mike said, 'playing along' with her. He then looked at Davy, who was looking back at him with a hostile look on his face. Mike continued, "Later, Nik--"

Cutting him off, Davy said to Nicole, "Let's go..." and whisked her away from Mike's presence.

As Davy and Nicole were walking toward her next class, she noticed that they were not holding hands...or talking to each other. She tried to make eye contact with him, but he continued looking straight ahead, as if he were in a trance. Then he finally spoke up: " Okay, I'll see you later--"

Realizing that his attitude toward her was uncalled for, she addressed it: " Wait a minute, Davy... I think we need to talk about this--"

" Can't it wait til later?"

"I don't think so... I don't appreciate the way you're treati--"

" Really, Nicole... I gotta go... Can't be late for class this time! We'll talk about this later... BYE--"

All she could do was watch him take off running to his next class, trying to beat the tardy bell.