~90125 - Part 5~

90125..."Hold On"

When Mike returned from the concession stand with the sodas, he saw Nicole wiping the tears from her eyes.

"Hey--what happened?"

" Oh, Mike...you MISSED it..."

"I always seem to leave during the best parts of a movie... Oh well..."

Realizing that he didn't have a clue as to what took place earlier with Davy in the car...and the fact she didn't want to share with Mike...she played along:

"YEAH, it was the best part, but I'm not gonna ruin it for ya by telling what happened... Which one's mine?"

" THIS one...at your request, here's the D.P. (Dr. Pepper). I got the Cherry Coke for myself."

"Thanks, Mike......Mmm...good 'n cold..."

"Thanks again, Mike...I had QUITE a time at the movies tonight" Nicole said to Mike as he brought her home.

"Well, I'm glad to hear it. Take care of yourself."

"I will. Goodnight."

" Goodnight." She watched as he drove away in the distance.

When she went inside the house, she felt the adrenaline rush of confronting Davy wear her down. She also realized that moment marked the first time she was able to "fool" Mike into thinking that all was well with her. Even though Mike was the one making the promise about not mentioning Davy's name, she felt obligated to do the same thing...and it worked. Only thing was...she couldn't get Davy off her mind once she got to her bedroom that night.

The mixed feeling she had for Davy were repressed during the time she spent with Mike. But as Nicole fell asleep, those thoughts came back like a MIGHTY flood...giving her nightmares:


D: (Davy's voice) "May I have this dance?"

N: (Nicole's voice) "Sure, okay..."

M: (Mike's voice) "You must be JOKING..."

N: This is OUR song...

N: Mike, I don't care WHAT you say...

D: May I kiss you?

M: I don't think you should--

N: PLEASE don't worry about me--

D: Just relax, honey...we'll go nice and slow...

M: Nikki, give me a call...

D: Nicole, are you ready?

M: I KNOW you don't want to hear this, Nik--

M: I care about you too much, Nikki...

D: ...I got her sweet pussy...

M: You son of a BITCH!!

D: ...I got her sweet pussy...

M: Just LOOK at 'im!! He THINKS he's God's gift to all the girls in the world!!


Nicole woke up startled...and exhausted...as if she were in a furious wrestling match.

Unfortunately, her CD player broke when she accidentally dropped it on the floor, so shee grabbed her walkman...which was the next best thing. Determined to quiet her troubled soul with music, Nicole put on her headphones and surfed the channels. To her horror, the radio station she "landed on" was playing the song that she and Davy danced to...it conjured up a lot of memories for her...TOO many for her to handle.

A couple of days (into Spring Break) went by, and Nicole was still tormented by the nightmare she had nights before...as well as feelings of guilt for turning Mike away...cutting him off when he was only trying to help her see the error of her ways. She felt that she didn't deserve his friendship or love. Sinking deeper into her depression, she heard the answering machine turn on:

"Nikki...it's Mike. Are you home?"

She went to the bathroom and closed the door, as Mike continued: " Well, I guess I'll catch up with you later..."

Minutes went by, and Nicole was still in the bathroom. She looked at her reflection in the mirror and saw the pain she had on the inside. To ensure her privacy, she locked the door and began searching through the items that were in the medicine cabinet...trying to find a way out...to ease the pain.

It took a while for her to decide how she wanted to go through with it: She reached for the bottle of aspirin and thought of taking an overdose...but she changed her mind. Then she saw a bottle of cough syrup that had expired three years ago: "Nah, I don't think so..." she thought to herself. And then..."A-HA!!!"

A sharp razor blade caught her attention. She picked it up and looked at herself in the mirror.

Then she closed her eyes...

As she was about to slit her wrist, someone had open the bathroom door...EFFORTLESSLY. Nicole opened her eyes, surprised because she KNEW that she had locked that door!! When her body jerked from that surprise, the blade came in contact with her wrist...causing it to bleed.

That someone at the door was MIKE: "NIKKI!! WHAT THE H--"

Crying, she said, "I'm sorry Mike..."

He rushed toward her, with tears in his eyes, catching her in time before she could fall to the floor.

He came behind her, supporting her with one arm around her waist. With his other hand, he turned on the water faucet and placed her bleeding wrist under the flow.

"DAMMIT, Nikki..." Mike said to her as he felt her knees buckle from the loss of blood. "PLEASE, Nikki...HOLD ON...HOLD ON!! YOU CAN'T LEAVE ME... It's NOT your time yet..."

" Mike?"

"Don't leave me now... I LOVE YOU, DAMMIT...HOLD ON!!!"