~90125 - Part 6~


Moments later, Mike held Nicole in his arms. He was able to stop some of the bleeding and wrap some gauze tightly around her wrist.

"For Pete's SAKE, Nikki...what in the world were you THINKIN' about??"

" After all I've put YOU through, Mike...and what I've put myself through with DAVY...I just couldn't BEAR it anymore..."

"And so you thought that taking your life was the best way to DEAL with it?"

By this time, both of them looked down and saw that Nicole was still bleeding. There were no more bandages in the medicine cabinet, so Mike ripped off his shirt sleeve and quickly wrapped it around her wrist. Eventually, the bleeding stopped.

"...Mike, I was so TIRED...and I was SCARED..."

"Honey, did you know how scared *I* was when I SAW you in here? I couldn't BEAR the thought of losing you. Nikki, you mean the WORLD to me. "

"You are TRULY an angel..."

"How do you mean?"

"Well, when I was in the bathroom, I locked the door behind me...and then YOU came in...as if it WEREN'T!!"

"REALLY?? Wow..." "That's what *I* was thinking...divine intervention..."

" Yeah, you're right..."

"I don't know WHAT I was thinkin', Mike...No doubt, I was lookin' for love in all the wrong places..." He was about to respond, but she cut him off: "...AND ...AND I didn't want to hear you say, 'I TOLD you so...'! I just wasn't up to hearin' that, even though it was TRUE..."

" Well--"

Cutting him off again, Nicole said "...and if THAT wasn't enough, I wound up being his 'flavor of the MONTH'...How embarrassing...And THEN, to realize that the one who really cared for me all this time...and still respects me......is right here in front of me..."

Mike got lost in her eyes...it not only reminded him of the crush he had on Nicole during middle school, but also confirmed how much love and respect he had for her in their long-term friendship. He cleared his throat and then he was trying to think of something to say.

But Nicole continued, "You saved my life, Mike...and I'll NEVER forget it as long as I live."

"All I ever wanted...among lotsa things, is for you to be happy. I know that life's not always gonna be perfect, or have things go our way all the time. But I figure that as long as we're in this TOGETHER...and we're THERE for each other, no matter what...it's gonna make for a great journey."

"Looks like we've hit a bump on the road..."

"Would you care to try for a big pothole? "

Nicole was laughing along with him, and he noticed that her face lit up...

"It's great to see you smile again...you're GLOWING!"

" I am? REALLY?"

" Oh YEAH...you're comin' 'round, Nikki. Just like I knew you would... You're a SURVIVOR. It's IN you, girl."

"You've always been there for me...to encourage me...and CRITICIZE me, but it was all constructive, though. There's no way in the world I could ever repay you for your faithfulness, Mike."

"I beg to differ...there IS a way..."

"How? What do you mean?"

"I would be honored if you would be mine at the prom..."

"Why, SURE...I'd LOVE to! Uh...I've got a scratch...is that okay?"

" Nikki, PLEASE..."

May 21st...the date of their prom night...

Mike and Nicole arrived in style on this special occasion, holding hands. It took a while, but Nicole was able to regain her sense of self-worth...Mike did all that he could to see to that. In his eyes, she appeared to be more beautiful on the inside as she was on the outside. Nicole noticed his staring at her in the dress she was wearing.

She asked him, " Do I look okay?"

And he replied, " You take my BREATH away..."

She smiled, blushed and then looked at the top of her shoes.

" Please dance with me, Nikki."

Before she could answer, they both heard the fast music playing in the background.

" Are you SURE about this, Mike? 'Cause you know how you are when it comes to the fast st--"

"I know, I know...but I'm willing to give it a whirl this time..."

"Hey, I'm impressed! Let's go..."

So they went toward the middle of the dance floor and really "turned the place OUT"!! Their classmates...and even the teachers...didn't know that Mike had it in him, so to speak! When the jam was over, the crowd gave a wild applause...and so did Nicole. Mike just waved at everybody, as if to say "Well you know...what can I say??!!" It was definitely a moment to remember.

Nicole looked at him, amazed. "I must say, Mike. You did better than I could've EVER done!! Congratulations!!"

"Aw, it's no big deal, Nikki. I enjoyed doing that... I guess practice makes perfect, huh?"

" Yes, it does..."

He brought her close in his arms, with his fingers entwined, and kissed her...and she kissed him back. BOY, could they kiss!! When it was over, they licked their lips and Mike said, " Perfect..."

" Yes...perfect..."

Nicole and Mike became sweethearts that night, adding a whole new dimension to their beautiful relationship...