~P.S. I Love You - Part 1~

Written by: Erica & Sara

Disclaimer: Ok this is a fast moving story. Right to the point. If me and my cusion Sara ever get part 2 going it will pobrobly we more detiled. This is kind of based on a true story of my aunt and uncle who had a high school romance and they told as part of what happened. (No they did not tell us about the sex, we made it up) But since we love the Monkees so much, mostly Micky we changed it. I hope you enjoy. We would like good and bad reviews we don't care we like to know the truth. This is are first collaboration. Thanks and here you go.


Micky Dolenz the star quarter back of the High School team ran over to his girlfriend Chrissy Payton the headcheerleader and hugged her. "That was a good practice babe." She lightly kissed his lips. "Thanks." He replied then turned around when he was tapped on the shoulder. "Yes, Sir?"

The coach of the football team a man in his late forty's and growing gray hair that was covered with a baseball cap, "Dolenz, hit the showers."

"Yes, Mr. Payton." He kissed Chrissy on the cheek and ran off towards the locker room.

Chrissy folded her arms and frowned. "Dad! Did you really have to do that we were talking." She sat down on the stadium bench.

"You two can talk later. When will you be home for dinner? I believe it's your turn to set the table." Mr. Payton said sitting next to his daughter.

"Well, you see dad I said I would stay over at Maria's tonight. I was going to do a makeover on her."

The couch sighed and stood back up again. "Fine but I want you home by Saturday afternoon. Deal?"

"Deal. Thanks dad." She stood up and hugged her father and ran off.

That night.........5:30pm...

Micky and Chrissy hopped off the elevator and headed to a their room. Micky took the key out of his pocket and placed it in the key hole and opened the door. "Here we are." He grin and walked into the room.

"You did good, Dolenz." She wrapped her arms around him and kissed him deeply. "I'm going to take a shower." She released from the hug and started to the bathroom.

"Do you want any company?" He walked over to her a wrapped his arms around her waist. "I'm very good company."

"No this time I think I'll do it by myself." She walked into the bathroom and shut the door. Later she came out of the bathroom with a tiny towel around her body, not covering up very well. Micky walked up to her and took the towel away from her. That's exactly what she was hoping for.

Micky kissed Chrissy deeply as his hands worked on her body. He needed to touch her, feel her, be inside of her. He picked her up and carried her to the bed and placed her in the middle of the bed. Micky took of his shirt and looked down at her and licked his lips. He sat next to her his mouth watering up at the sight of her. His hands roamed her body up and down.

He finally put his lips to her, licking her in between her legs. Taking the taste of her in he kept going for more. He worked up to her breast and took one of them in his mouth and started nipping and sucking on it as it was a lollipop in and out.

She wasn't going to let him have all the fun. She worked her hands down to his jeans and pulled them down with his boxers. Micky then entered her and a loud moan escaped her lips. She flipped him on his back and sat up and put his mouth around his penis and blowed. A wide smile crossed his lips and put his hand through her long blond hair. She let go and looked up at him. "Yummy!" She commented and then bent down and kissed his bare chest.

He then flipped her back and entered her again. She was going over the edge hard and fast and screaming his name out over and over again. She pulled herself against him more so he take more of her. Micky sat back up again and took his fingers and placed them in her clit took them out and used his tongue. She sat back up with him and they both took each other again and tumbled to the ground.

Hours later both of them curled up on the rug of the hotel floor caught there berth and stared into each other's eyes. "This has to be my favorite time." Chrissy said still looking deep into his almond shape eyes. "What do you mean?"

"What do I mean?" She laughed. "Babe we ended up floorplaying and not to mention it felt so much better you fucking me without that dumb condom." She stood up, sat on the bed and took the cover and put it around her.

He stood up and joined her also putting the covers around her. "I know what you mean. And it was the first time you ever gave me a blow job."

Chrissy smiled and led down on the bed pulling him on top of her. "I wish I didn't wait that long it felt kind of good to do that to you I mean I finally had something to suck on." She closed her eyes.

Micky put his arms around her and held her close to him. "And it felt great you doing that." He looked over at her and she was fast asleep. He kissed her cheek "I love you." He said whisper in her ear. She replied quietly "I love you to," and fell back to sleep.

3 weeks later.......Payton household.....4:30pm Sunday

Chrissy was standing in her bathroom holding a pregnancy test in her hand as tears fall down her face. She tossed the test in the box and into the trashcan. She looked into her mirror and sighed. She had no idea what she was going to do. How to tell her dad and or Micky. She finally stepped out of her bathroom and walked into her room and cried.

Her father knocked on her door. "Honey is something wrong? I can hear you crying." She sniffed and walked to her door opened in and wiped her tears. "What's going on did Dolenz dump you? Cause if he did I'll kick his butt off the team for you."

"No dad nothing like that..It's really nothing. I just need to clear my head of something do you mind if I go take a walk?" Before he answered she grab her coat and walked out the door. She wandered the street and found herself on Micky's front door step and she knocked on the door.

Micky opened the door he was in a white T-shirt and shorts. He smiled when he saw her. "Hey what are you doing here." He took her hand and lead her in the house. Chrissy sat on his couch and looked up at him her face still tear stained. Micky then bent down next to her. "What's wrong?" He put a hand through her hair.

She sighed and started crying again. "I took a pregnancy test because I was feeling wired and I just thought it wouldn't hurt and that I know I wasn't and....it came out positive." She put her head in her hands "I'm sorry Micky."

Micky joined her on the couch and pulled her into a hug. "I'm not mad babe." He kissed her cheek. "Really?" "Yes, really, I mean it's not like I didn't help with it and I see nothing wrong with a child it's a wonderful thing."

She looked back up at him. "Your crazy. I mean were both just finishing high school who's ready for a baby at are age?" She put her head on his chest and started crying harder. "And my dad....he's going to kill me when he findsout."

"Babe no he's not. I promise you. And me and you are going to raise this child and it's going to be fun." He kissed the top of her hand. "You can call me crazy but I like the feeling of being a father."

Chrissy lifted her hand up and look him in the eyes and smiled. "I love you Micky Dolenz." She kissed him passationaly "I don't know what I would do without you." He looked at her with a smile. "I can tell you that one....you wouldn't be crying on my manly shoulder and very unhappy cause your not dating the handsome quater back of the football team." He kissed her cheek.

"You are so full of yourself. But that's why I love you. I better get home I'll see you tomorrow." Chrissy stood up and walked to the door. "You going to tell your dad? If something goes bad you call me and you can stay her." He gave her a kind face and a kind smile. "I love you and I will." She walked out the door and closed it tightly behind her. She wiped the last of her tears from her eyes and smiled. "I found the best man on the earth" she said to herself and walked back home and fell asleep.

Next day....Jefferson High Football field..3:30 pm.....

Chrissy was sitting on the stands finishing up the last of her homework and turn to the field to watch the football players practice. She loved to watch Micky bend over and stare at his behind. She put a hand on her stomach and thought of him and her with a baby which made her smile. Micky came running over to her when the couch game them a break and kissed her. "How you doing?"

"I'm all right...just tried that's all." She smiled up at him the pulled on his arm to make him sit down next to her. "You look great out there."

"Or is that just my butt that does?" She laughed and replied "The butt. And looking at that butt of yours makes me horny as a toad." She purred in his ear. "I'll be sure to collect up on that tonight. You are still coming right?"

"Of course I am this is a celebration am I correct." She smiled. "This is sure is...that little baby inside of you......"

"DOLENZ!!" The couch screamed from the field. "GET DOWN HERE! YOUR 5 MINUTES ARE UP."

"Did you tell him?" She shook her head and smiled "He's always like that. I'll see you later tonight."

4 days later......Payton household......6:30pm

Chrissy was talking on the phone with Micky.... "You want me to tell him now? I was thinking of telling him when the kid was in college."

Chris you have to. He's your father and has a right to know.

"But if I tell him..."Which you will.

"When I tell him, he'll kick you off the team. I mean do you really think he's going to allow somebody who knocked his daughter up still play for him?"

That's a risk I'm going to have to take. If something goes wrong you come over here and I'll make you feel better. You go tell him now. I have to finish my homework.

"Have you told your parents yet? It's only fair."

Fine I'll call my mother tonight if that will make you happy.

"It will. I love you Mick."I love you to sweetheart. Peace.

They both hanged up the phone. Chrissy walked into her living room where her dad was working on some football plans. "Dad?" He didn't answer. "Dad?" He still didn't answer. She took a deep breath "Dad...I'm pregnant and there's nothing you can do about it." She started to walk back to her room.

Mr. Payton rose from his sit and dropped every paper. "WHAT?!?!?!?" She sighed and turned back around and faced him. "I'm pregnant." His face dropped to the floor. "Micky's?" She smiled at him and put her and hand on her tummy. "Yes, And he loves this baby just as much as I do."


"YOUR NOT GOING TO KEEP HIM AND ME AWAY FROM EACH OTHER. WE LOVE EACH OTHER AND THIS IS OUR BABY." She ran to her room and slammed the door. She goes to her dresser and starts packing a few things and goes out her window.

She walked up to Micky's door and knocked. He opened and hugged her and let her in. He lead her to the couch and kissed her. "What happened?''

She looked up at him with her faced tear stained and sniffed. "He said I wasn't aloud to see you anymore and that you're off the team. I could see in his eyes and the tone of his voice that she was really truly pissed." She put her head on his chest. "Can I stay here?"

"Of course you can. Your always welcome here." He picked up her chin and smile. "I'll take care of you." She slowly smiled up at him. "Babe I love you and I would love to stay. And could you make me happy again?"

Next morning....Micky's house....Sat.5:30am.

Micky and Chrissy were cuddling in each others arms when there came a loud knock from the front door. Micky slowly woke up and kissed Chrissy's head. "Who could that be?" Then again a loud knock came. Chrissy then woke up to the noise. "You don't think it could be my dad do you?"

Micky then sat up in the bed and pulled on a pair of jeans. "I don't know, I'm going to check you get dressed and I'll call you if I need you." Micky put on a shirt, kissed Chrissy's cheek and went down stairs.

He opened the front door and Mr. Payton an 2 cops were there. "Yes, sir? How can I help you?" Mr. Payton was claim but his face full of anger. "You got my little girl here and I want her back home now or your going to jail."

Micky sighed and called up to Chrissy. She came down and out her arms around him. "What do you want dad?" Mr. Payton pulled Chrissy off of Micky so she would stand out the door. "Your coming home and your not aloud to see this boy again, where moving out of town."

Mr. Payton pulled her away and into his car. She started to cry and blow Micky one final kiss.

Next night....Micky's house.....6:45....

There was a knock on Micky's door. He went to open it and looked around for someone and then saw a note under his mat.

Dear Micky..my one and only,

My dad is taking me somewhere, I don't know yet. But when I find out I'm going to write you. I might get a P.O. box so he won't take away the letters you send back. I'm missing you already and so is our baby. I'll come back soon, when I turn 18 you better believe I'll be back in your arms. I hope you wait for me...It's only going to be another what 6 months?......I still don't understand this! I'll call you or write to you ASAP.

Love Chrissy and our unborn child.

P.S. I love you..........

Micky sat on his couch and cried.

8 1/2 months later.....Monkee pad......1:30pm.........

Chrissy looked at the paper that she pulled out from her pocket and knocked on the door. A guy with blond hair opened the door. "Hello? Can I help you?"

She smiled at the man. "Yes, I'm looking for Micky Dolenz he said he lived here now." The man looked at her and back into the house. "Micky! company." The blond man walked away from the door and Micky approached. His eyes filled up with joy. "CHRISSY!" He picked her up and spin her around. "I missed you so much. I'm glad your back." He started to kiss her face. She then pulled away for a sec.

"Would you like to meet our child?" He smiled and nodded at her. She picked up a kid that was in a stroller and put the little baby in Micky's hand. "Her name is Katie Jessica Dolenz." No words came out of Micky's mouth just a smile from ear to ear. "Can we come in?"

"Oh yeah sure. I would like you to meet the guys." A tall guy with a woolhat, a short guy, and the man with the blond hair came over around them. "Chrissy this is Mike Nesmith, Davy Jones, and Peter Tork." They all said their hi's and shook hands. "And together we make the Monkees. And guys this is Chrissy and.." Micky held up the baby a little more. "And our daughter Katie."


Continue on to Part 2
