~Micky's Magic~

Written by: Francoise

Ann was sitting alone, at a small table in that little restaurant of L.A., that big city she had always wanted to visit. She had just finished supper and she was quietly drinking a cup of coffee, looking around at people walking by. Suddenly, all conversations ceased and everyone looked at the door. She looked, too, and almost dropped the cup from her hand. There stood a tall man, dark-haired, with a pony-tail, wearing dark sunglasses, a white shirt slightly opened at the collar and black pants. He didn't seem embarrassed by all those people staring at him... admiring him 'cause self-confidence and sexiness emanated from him. Well, maybe you'll understand better if I tell you that the man was... Micky Dolenz! He looked slowly around and quietly walked towards Ann's table. "May I sit with you?" he asked, with his warm voice.

Unable to speak, she nodded yes. "I must look stupid," she thought.

He sat, took off his glasses, smiling with his attractive eyes and his beautiful lips. He ordered 2 cognacs. "I often come here for a cognac after supper. I never saw you here, before."

"Well, I'm just a tourist."

"Is there something special you want to see in L.A.?"

"Everything. And Hollywood, of course. But... for the first night...ah! Forget it, you will laugh at me..."

"No, c'mon, tell me."

"Well, I've never seen the sea. And I'd like to see the sunset on the sea... for real, not just on postcards."

"All right! This is a wish easy to satisfy. You want me to come with you?"

"Oh, yes!" she answered quickly. Too quickly!

Micky had a slightly ironical smile, which made her blush. They finished their drinks, then he took her hand, put on his sunglasses, and they walked out; people were watching them and all the women looked envious of Ann.

When they arrived on the seashore, Micky took off his glasses and stared at the sea. Ann, who always wanted to watch the sunset on the sea, could not detach her eyes from Micky's face. "Boy, he's so good-looking!" she thought.

Feeling that he was stared at, he looked at her. The next moment, his arms circled her waist; she pressed herself against him and they kissed passionately, his hands running up and down her back. The kiss seemed to be never-ending and she thought fire had replaced blood in her veins. She wished time would stop and that she would spend eternity in his arms.


As it went down in the water, the sun stung her eyelids. She opened her eyes widely, and realized she was all alone. She had been dreaming!!

Tears of disappointment rolled down her cheeks. Could a dream be so real, so strong? She could still feel his mouth, his hands, his body...

Suddenly, the tides stopped rolling and the setting sun seemed to gaze at the beach. There stood a tall man, dark-haired, with a pony-tail, wearing dark sunglasses, a white shirt slightly opened at the collar and black pants...
