~Bluebeard's Wife~

Written by: Francoise

1966. Davy Jones, Micky Dolenz, Mike Nesmith and Peter Tork were inseparable friends: they lived together, played music and had a lot of trouble paying the rent. And they were living a lot of love stories.

The one I'm about to tell you is a Micky love-story. At the studio, there was a pretty redhead, green-eyed secretary, with an adorable smile, a soft and warm voice; she had everything to please. Her name was Kim and soon Micky fell in love with her. She loved him too and they were seeing each other as often as possible. There was nothing Micky wouldn't have done for his beloved Kim, and he began to work harder and harder, trying to raise his earnings, because he seriously thought of marrying Kim and he wanted to offer her a comfortable life, "worthy of her and our future children", said he.

But Kim was occupying the thoughts of another man, named Will Masters. He was as rude as Micky was kind, as unattractive as Micky was handsome and sexy. But he owned a fabulous fortune! With his expensive gifts and promises of a wealthy life, he tried to attract Kim. Any young woman of sound mind and body, and with a loving heart, would have chosen love over money. What is more motivating than constructing an agreeable existence with the man you cherish, than receiving everything from a man who leaves you cold! However, Kim had known poverty as a child, and she had sworn to be rich, one day! But she hesitated, 'cause her heart and her reason were pleading for Micky, but her attraction for an easy existence and without any finan- cial worry was speaking for Will.

And, one day, the young girl had a discussion with Micky:

- You understand, I love you darling, but if I leave you it's because I don't want to come to bearing a grudge at you, one day. I have known a moneyless childhood, and I don't wanna start over fighting everyday, to survive.

- But things get better! The guys and I are going to record an album. And I'm ready to accept any job if the band doesn't work out. I won't let you in need of anything! I love you too much for that.

- You don't understand. Will is offering me everything I've always dreamed of!

- Women who give themselves for money wear a name!

Kim's face reddened with anger and she lifted her hand to slap Micky's face but he stopped her by grabbing her wrist.

- No use. You wanna hurt me? It's already done! Satisfied?

He went. Kim had tears in her eyes; deep-down in her heart she knew she just made the biggest mistake of her life. She wanted to run to Micky, beg for his forgiveness, tell him they just had a bad dream, but her pride and her love for money refrained her. Two weeks later, she became Will Master's wife.


After a cruise in the Greek Islands, Will and Kim came back to the United States. Will was always very busy with his business affairs, and Kim was alone most of the time. And even when her husband was there, she felt useless, because when there was a decision to be taken, Kim's opinion didn't count. She wanted to have a child but Will didn't want to hear a word about it. He was sickly jealous, and saw even the eventuality of a baby as a threat:

- When we are together, I don't want you to have to take care of a brat.

- Please, say: a child! And we could hire a nurse...

- I am the one who takes decisions here. I don't want a baby, and that's it!

That was the man Kim had chosen: extremely rich, but selfish. Even in bed, he would take his pleasure, not even wondering if he gave any to his wife. She had all the things she had always wanted, but now, she understood that she would have gladly leave all those riches to be with the man who had really loved her and that she had never forgotten: Micky.


- Micky!! Wake up, we're not singing "Last Train to Clarksville", right now!

- Sorry, guys. I don't really feel like rehearsing.

Davy intervened: -Come on! Will you lose your life for a girl who thinks only of people's banking accounts?

Micky exploded:- MIND YOU OWN BUSINESS!!

Peter interfered:- Micky, cool it! Davy didn't want to...


And Micky stormed into his room, slamming the door behind him.

Mike said: - Listen, boys! I'm as sorry as you are for Micky. But he has to live his sorrow. Don't worry, he'll get over it. If we love him, we have to be patient with him.


Kim was so bored, she could count the cracks in the house. She had met some of her husband's friends' spouses but their gossips got on her nerves. She didn't want to admit it to herself, but she was missing Micky desperately.

Will had firmly forbidden Kim to go inside his office. But one day, that she felt extremely bored, without anything at all to do, she found the key that gave access to the forbidden room and trespassed. She looked at some papers on the desk and suddenly, a button attracted her attention; she pressed and a section of the library shelves moved revealing a safe.


Each week, two of our four friends were doing the errands, while the two other ones did the housecleaning. So, that day, Micky and Mike were the ones who were doing the commissions. It was a beautiful day, the sun shone, Micky was in a good mood; he was feeling a lot better since he met lovely Sandra whom he was dating quite often now.

After visiting the grocery and some other stores, Mike and Micky stopped by for a coffee. They were sitting at a table, near the window, when Micky exclaimed with surprise.

Mike asked:- What is it, Micky?

- Look at the other side of the street, and tell me what you see.

Mike looked and exclaimed, too:- Let's go, or you're a dead man!

Mike threw some money on the table and the two men ran out.

The waitress was astonished: - I knew that the boss' coffee was undrinkable, but not that much...

In the car, Mike was fuming: - How come Morales is not in jail anymore? The police knows that each time he is at large, you are in danger.

- I know that better than anybody! But did you see whom he was talking to?

- No.

- Will Masters, Kim's husband.

Mike was speechless.

Micky went on: - Kim is certainly in danger. Morales never talks to anybody just for the fun of it. It's always for "business" if you see what I mean. So, Kim married a crook.

Mike responded, a bit dryly:- She asked for it.

- Yes, but we cannot leave things like that, she's risking her life!

- And if Morales sees you, you're risking yours!

- I know, but we can always call the cops.-

To tell them what?- What we saw! Mike answered, in a mocking tone: - Hello, police? I saw somebody talking with Babyface Morales, on the street. Help! Then, more seriously: - We may think what we want, but we don't have the beginning of a proof, so we can't do anything. Forget everything, and think of Sandra; by the way, everything seems to be fine between both of you. Am I right?

- I had promised myself not to fall in love ever again. But it's too late! Then he added, worrying:- I hope it won't be the same, as it's been with Kim...

- Come on! All women are not the same. Forget your worries and let's go home.


Kim saw at the back of the key of her husband's office, there was the combination numbers to open the safe. She hesitated, but curiosity got the better of her and she opened it. In the strong-box, there were jewels, money, shares, but also other kinds of papers. While reading some of them, Kim was stupefied; her husband was doing a lot of illegal activities, he even had the name and phone number of a hired killer.

She dropped the key and while taking it back, she knocked an inkwell that was there and dropped some ink on the key. Kim hastily put everything back in order, left her husband's office, and went to the bathroom where she tried to clean the ink spot. No matter how much detergent and water she used, she rubbed the key in vain, 'cause the ink was indelible. Finally, she decided to hide the key in her fine lingerie drawer, where her husband wouldn't look for it.


The phone rang at the Monkees' home. Micky answered:- Micky Dolenz speaking.

An anguished voice that Micky had trouble recognizing, said: - Micky, Kim speaking. I don't have a lot of time. I have a big favor to ask you.

- Kim! What's going on?

- I can't tell you on the phone. I will meet you at my friend's house. My husband has somebody watching me. She gave him her friend's address and said:- Please be there, this afternoon, at three o'clock, please!

She hung up before Micky had time to reply.

Micky told Mike about the strange call he had just received and said:- I think we're gonna have the proof we were looking for.

- I'm going with you!

- No! It could be dangerous and...

- Exactly! I won't let you go there, alone.

At three, that afternoon, Micky showed up at the address Kim had given him. A young girl opened the door, after he had identified himself; she led him to the living-room. Ten minutes later, Kim arrived.

- I managed to arrive after you, so that nobody would know I came here to meet you. My husband is having me followed. I discovered some things (She handed him a big envelope) I made photocopies of dangerous documents, in my personal office. You must give this to the police, Micky. My husband is a dangerous man. If you know how much I regret that I married him. (She looked at Micky, in the eyes) I've been stupid, I know now. I love you.)

Micky lowered his eyes, took the envelope and said: - All right. I'll give this to the police. (He didn't make any comment on her last declaration) I'll go after you, so that your "follower" won't see me. Anxiety and sorrow were showing on the young woman's features. Micky told her: - Don't be afraid. Everything's gonna be fine. At least... almost everything.

She nodded. The other woman and herself went out together, like two friends going shopping. A few minutes later, when he was sure he wouldn't be seen, Micky went out. When he got in the car, he told Mike:

- It is what I thought. Quick, to the police station!


Will Masters had a passion his wife did not know about; when she was absent, he delighted himself in prying in her drawer of fine lingerie and underwear; just palping those delicate fabrics excited him. That day, as Kim was gone, he went to the drawer. While fondling the lingerie, he touched a little piece of metal.

He looked at it, surprised:- The key I was looking for and that Kim "knew nothing about"! And ink on it! She has found out..!

He held back a cry of rage and while closing the drawer, he muttered:- You should never have done that. You will die... like the others.

He took the phone and dialed a number:- I need to see you... now.


When Kim came home, her husband was waiting for her, with a smile on his lips.

- I gave a day off to the servants. We're alone.

- Oh! Would you have a tricky idea in mind?

- Come in our room and I'll show you.

The last thing that Kim longed for was to follow Will. But as she wanted him to gain trust in her, she smiled and followed. When they got in the room, Will Masters gave her a cold stare and said, with a stern voice: - You know, baby, you have deceived me a lot. Look what I found.

He showed her the key. Kim grew pale, and felt paralyzed, like a little mouse under the gaze of a snake.

The man went on:- Yes! I had a little passion: I loved to fondle your lingerie when you were not there and that I missed you too much. It was as if I touched you. But today, I touched your betrayal.

Kim was still unable to move or to speak.

Will said:- I had three wives before you. They are dead. I always had the police believe in accidents. But those accidents were provoked. My former wives had offended me, like you did, my poor Kim.

The doorbell rang.

- Come on, darling. Let's greet our guest.

Kim followed, her heart beating very hard. She was going to die! It was unbelievable..!

But who was that "guest"? When she saw him, she shouted:- MICKY!!

Will Masters asked:- What Micky?

The newcomer answered:- Yes, I have a double, it's a man who looks just like me. His name's Micky Dolenz. I can see that your wife knows him.

Will Masters made presentations:- Honey, here's Babyface Morales. Among other things, he's a hired killer. But when the victim is a woman, he's very nice: she dies without suffering.

- Killing me would be of no use to you, Will. The police already know about your activities. If you kill me, you won't have them believe in an accident, like you did for your former wives; and for them too, the investigations would be re-opened.

This argument made Will hesitate.

Babyface, who didn't want to lose a big bonus, said: - She's bluffing, to save her life. You constantly have her under surveillance; how could she have warned the police?

Kim intervened:- Somebody else did it, and don't try to find out who it is.

- She's bluffing, I tell you!

Masters was still hesitating.

Babyface went near the young woman:- Listen, baby. Micky is an old friend of mine. If you tell me where he lives, you'll stay alive. Otherwise, I kill you. It's a deal?


- Alright...

Babyface took his gun and began to put a silencer to it. As Kim was near Babyface, she took a chance and threw herself on him, grabbed his wrist and tried to disarm him. A shot was fired. Kim screamed. At this moment, the door was kicked in and the police rushed in:

- Don't move!! Morales, drop your gun!!

A policeman put handcuffs on Babyface's wrists, while another one knelt beside Will Masters' body; he tried to feel the man's pulse, then said:

- He's dead.

Kim burst into nervous tears. Micky and Mike, who had followed the police, entered the house and Micky took Kim in his arms, trying to calm her down. The police put a blanket on Will Masters' dead body, and called the morgue.


A few days later, Kim was having a coffee in a restaurant, with Micky.

She told him:- I'm going to give my inheritance to a fundation for the victims of criminal acts. I would feel too uneasy to keep that dirty money.

- It's a good decision.

- Micky, are you sure there's no chance for us..?

- Kim, I'm in love with another woman, I'm sorry.

- I'm the one who's sorry. Money is not worth love... I understood that too late.

Micky shook her hand, wished her good luck and went.

Kim murmured:- You, the other woman, whoever you are, give him the happiness I was stupid enough to refuse him!
