When Love Comes Knocking At Your Door - Part 2

Written by: Francoise

The days went by slowly for Megan. Of course, she was living in fear and discomfort. But, for the first time of her life, she was forced to inaction, so she had a lot of time to think. And what she thought was not very encouraging: “I’m a wealthy woman, but I cannot enjoy it. I’m a beautiful girl, but no man loves me. I have no true friend, ‘cause I’m always asking myself if people talk to me because of my money. Even here, the only thing Babyface is interested in is the money he’s gonna get for my ransom. Too bad! Such a handsome man! If he wanted… But WHAT AM I THINKING ABOUT? This man is a brigand!”

One day, one of Babyface’s accomplices came to Megan’s room to bring her meal. He looked at her and thought: “That chick is so pretty. I would be a fool not to take advantage of her.” He said:

- Miss Richardson. You must feel very lonely.

- No, thank you. I manage.

- I thought that a little bit of company would be agreeable to you.

- You don’t mean yours, I hope?

- And why not?

He literally jumped on her. She tried to push him back but he was stronger than she was. He threw her on the bed, tore her blouse, and pulled off her bra. She screamed in terror. With one hand, the man held her wrists tightly, while his other hand was trying to finish undressing her. She screamed again. Suddenly, she felt free as somebody pushed the man back. It was Babyface who had entered the room and punched the man in the mouth.

- I want to keep the merchandise in good condition. Never try another trick like this.

The man took his handkerchief and wiped the blood that was coming from his lips. He was bleeding a lot as Babyface hit very hard; he had never lost a fight in his life. Megan was still trembling, she held her torn blouse close to her, trying to hide her breasts. When her assailant was gone, Babyface turned to her:

- I’ll get you one of my shirts to replace your blouse. By the way, don’t try to tease my men, again!


- That’s what you say!


While she was arguing, she gestured and the blouse fell. Babyface smiled:

- O.K. O.K. I believe you. But cover yourself please, or I’m gonna have dirty ideas and you won’t be able to blame me!

She reddened as she noticed she was half-exposed. She took the blanket on the bed and wrapped herself in it. Babyface went and soon came back with one of his shirts. Megan thanked him and when he was gone, she put the shirt on. It was a little loose, but she tucked it in her pants and rolled the sleeves. She never saw her assailant again as another man brought her food at mealtimes.

Night fell. Before going to sleep, Megan could smell Babyface’s odour on the shirt and it wasn’t disagreeable to her. Even feeling the fabric of HIS shirt on her bare skin gave her a slight feeling of excitement. In a second, she realized that she couldn’t help but fall in love with him and that scared her to death. “No, please, not a man like that! I don’t want to love him!”


In the early-morning hours, noise, screams and gunshots woke Megan up. Before she could realize what was going on, Babyface came to her room, grabbed her arm and said:

- Get up, quick! We’re out of here!

She followed him, still wandering what was going on. She didn’t know that at that very moment, both their lives had come to a turning point.
