When Love Comes Knocking At Your Door - Part 4

Written by: Francoise

Early in the morning, Megan got up. When she went out of her room, she ran into Babyface. He told her:

- I didn’t sleep all night. I thought you would try to escape and call the police.

- Are you disappointed? I’m still here and I didn’t call the police. I told you to trust me.

- I never trusted anybody in my life and I’ m not going to begin now.

- There’s a beginning for everything. Well, we should go and eat breakfast now and not keep Father Williams waiting.

- He’s celebrating mass, right now.

- Then, let’s go to mass, and pray. It won’t do us any harm.

- I don’t know how to pray.

- You simply get down on your knees and talk to God, asking him to help you.

- He never did anything for me!

- Did you ever ask?


When they got out of church, they had breakfast with Father Williams then Babyface said:

- We thank you for everything Father, but we have to go now.

They went to their rooms to pack. Suddenly, Megan knocked on Babyface’s door:

- Come in!

She entered and sat on the bed.

- Will we live like that for a long time?

- I don’t know. I want to be sure I won’t go back to jail.

- I have a solution for both of us. You would be sure to remain free, you would get all the money you want and I would stay alive.

- What is that solution?

- You and I getting married.

- What???

- Why not? We could at last settle down, you would not go back to jail, and you would have more money than you have asked for my ransom. As for me, I would go back to a normal life and stay alive. And we are in a priest’s house; he could marry us within a few days after taking care of a few formalities.

She waited a few seconds and added:

- I will also write a will. You would be one of my inheritants that is, if I die of natural causes… I’m sure you will understand my taking some precautions.

Babyface remained silent. With his criminal record, he easily understood why people could not trust him, but this time, Megan’s words hurt him. He didn’t know why, but he felt saddened.

He thought of Megan’s proposal for a whole day and then, asked himself: “Why not?” A week later, they were married.
