When Love Comes Knocking At Your Door - Part 5

Written by: Francoise

The first days and nights of their marriage were an enchantment like those of other young couples in love. Each of them felt free: Babyface did not worry about being arrested anymore, and Megan was his wife instead of his prisoner. As for passion, neither of them had to feign ‘cause they discovered with great surprise and joy that they desired each other very much. Megan was sure now that she loved her husband but she didn’t want to tell him… not yet.

On one of those nights when love had been particularly strong and satisfying, Megan rested in Babyface’s arms. She felt like sharing confidences with him. She told him about her lonely childhood:

- I didn’t have any brothers or sisters. I was so excited when my cousins would come to visit us. And the main goal of my life has always been to please my parents. I did my work the best I could and I hoped my father would be satisfied. But I longed for a friend and most of all, for a lover. Then you stormed into my life.

The word “stormed” made both of them laugh, considering the way Babyface had come into Megan’s life.

Megan asked him:

- Since your real name is Juan Morales, why does everybody call you Babyface?

- Don’t you think I’m good-looking? he asked, with a mischievous smile.

- You’re the most seductive man in the world.

- O.K. My first girlfriend started to call me Babyface and the name has stayed.

- Oh! That comes from a girlfriend, hmm? From now on, I’ll call you Baby and that’s it.

- Jealous?

- Yes!

She pretended to sulk, but her pout changed into an enchanted smile when Babyface/Juan began to caress her. Her husband’s touch always put her senses on fire and she abandoned herself in his arms.
