When Love Comes Knocking At Your Door - Part 6

Written by: Francoise

For love of Megan, Juan thought of changing his lifestyle and cease the criminal activities he had begun in his youth. Anyway, as anyone knows, “Crime does not pay.” What was the use of stealing all that money if he was always a fugitive, unable to enjoy that money? And he had had nobody to love and confide in… until Megan. One day, he finally told Megan about his past:

- My father was jealous of me. I was good-looking, he wasn’t. I was successful at school, he had never been. I was sociable and everybody got along with me, but he was unpleasant and nobody liked him. Once, we had a fight, because he would come home drunk, as usual, and he hit my mother. I was 13 at that time. I got mad. I jumped on him and we started to fight. My mother was screaming. Even if he was drunk, my father was stronger than I was and if a neighbor hadn’t come to my rescue, he probably would have killed me. When I was 19, I met a beautiful girl. I fell in love with her. But my father wouldn’t let me be happy. Once I came to her house, unexpected, and I found her in bed with him. I decided that was enough and I left home. I wanted to take my mother with me, but she wouldn’t leave my father. Even after the entire harm he done to her, she still loved him! So, I went away. The first “work” I found was to join a gang of robbers. You see, at that time, I felt I had no choice, and I committed robberies to survive. Then, it became a way of life.

- Did you kill a lot of people?

- I will surprise you, darling, but I never killed anybody. Some of my accomplices did, on their own and I was accused. I wanted to keep my reputation as a tough guy so I never denied being responsible for those murders. But I wasn’t. I couldn’t take anyone’s life. Even when I kidnapped you, I thought that if we couldn’t get the ransom, I’d help you escape… before escaping, myself. And that was even before I started loving you.

Megan was very surprised at her husband’s revelations and she loved him more. With tears in her eyes, she hugged him tightly.

They agreed to change their life completely. Megan resigned her position in her father’s firm, and Babyface just hoped that his old “associates” would not try to reach him. They moved to another state and bought a cottage, with an orchard and a big garden. There was an old stable there; after a few renovations, it was ready to receive some horses with which Babyface/Juan began a ranch that soon came successful and popular. Their days were full of work and their nights full of love. They were very happy and planned to start a family as soon as possible.

But Babyface’s old “friends” hadn’t forgotten him. Once Tony Furano came to the ranch. Megan never knew what happened except that she saw them talk and that seemed to be a very animated discussion. When he left, Tony said:

- You won’t get away with this, Babyface! I’ll get you, one day!

And he went. Megan asked her husband what was going on, but he didn’t want to talk about it. She didn’t insist but she remained worried. She had heard Tony’s last sentence and she couldn’t help but being perturbed at that threat.
