When Love Comes Knocking At Your Door - Part 7

Written by: Francoise

One night, Megan and Juan went to a town nearby to celebrate their second wedding anniversary. They went to a restaurant, then to the movies and finally a discotheque. There, Babyface bought a bottle of champagne. “For our night” he said, winking at his wife. She smiled and felt tingles of pleasure, in anticipation of “their night”.

When they got out of the car, they were laughing, having told jokes all the way back home. Before entering the house, they kissed and Megan giggled:

- Stop! You’re tickling me.

- This is only the beginning! Better get used to it, baby!

- Shh! You should be ashamed of yourself! she said, laughing.

- That’s your fault, lady. You’re too beautiful.

They kissed again and Megan reached for her key in her purse. Her husband said:

- I forgot the champagne in the car.

He went to the car. Megan opened the door and stood at the doorstep, thinking of how much she loved her husband, their home and the children that would fill their house, one day, she hoped.

Suddenly, a shot was fired. Megan quickly turned her head and saw her husband lying down in front of the house. She screamed and ran to him. A car was speeding away from there. Megan kneeled beside Juan:

- Darling! I’m gonna call an ambulance.

She ran to the car and took the cell phone that was in it and she called 9-1-1. She quickly came back and kneeled beside her man. He looked at her and said:

- The…years with…you have been…the happiest of my…life. I love you!

Those were his last words.

