~You & I~

Written by: Francoise

Chapter 1

Allison Tracy was a beautiful girl: shoulder-length blond hair, brown eyes, a lovely smile and a well-shaped body. She was 18 years old and entering university in the fall of 1966, to study to become a veterinarian. Her best friend, Nicole Watson, had curly blond hair and blue eyes. Her features were not as delicate as Allison's but her beautiful blue eyes with long lashes, her cute curls and the little freckles on her cheeks made her quite charming. She was 19 and she was studying languages. She already spoke French and Italian as well as English, and she was learning German, Spanish and Latin. They had met each other at Elementary School and had been inseparable since.

They shared the same interests and in that fall of 1966, their newest and biggest interest was the new group whose show has aired for the first time on September 12: THE MONKEES.

The girls had bought the Monkees' first album as soon as it had been on sale. They would read each and every issue of Tiger Beat, 16 Magazine, and other publications that would talk about the Pre-Fab Four. Allison's favorite one was Davy Jones and Nicole preferred Micky Dolenz. Allison had a huge photo Davy beside her bed and Nicole would sleep with Micky's picture under her pillow.

One day, Allison phoned her friend, and as soon as Nicole answered, Allison shouted with excitement:


Nicole took the phone away from her ear and waited until Allison had stopped yelling to catch her breath and said:

- Would you please repeat that, slowly and softly? I didn't catch a thing you said.

- Nicole! The Monkees are coming to town! I heard it on TV. They're going to give a concert next month at the Molson Center. I'll pick you up in 5 minutes and we're going to buy tickets. She hung up. After the first moment of surprise, it was Nicole's turn to yell and jump with excitement.

They bought tickets. They were going to be in the five first rows. They were realistic enough to know that once the show was over, they couldn't meet the boys who would be surrounded by policemen and bodyguards. But at least, during the concert, they would see them pretty close.

Finally, the big night arrived. Allison and Nicole had spent the week shopping for new dresses, dreaming about that concert, counting the days. For the first time in their life, they had been unable to concentrate on their studies. They drove their families crazy by complaining how time seemed to stand still. On that Friday afternoon, after class, they went to their appointment with the hairdresser. They wanted to look their very best that night, just in case the boys would notice them.


Continue to Part 2
Storybook of You - FanFiction Page
Aimee's Shades of Monkees