Made For Each Other - Part 1

Emily sat down in front of her computer and dialed into her server. She needed to check her email and then she planned on chatting for a while. She had a lazy day and decided that chatting would be the perfect way to end it. There wasn't much in her mail, just a note from her aunt, which she replied to and then clicked on Favorites and went to "WebHouse". She checked the users online list and saw that no one she really knew was there but decided to go into the Atrium anyway hoping maybe someone would show up eventually. She typed in her chat name and then entered the room.

Regional Girl: Hello….

She waited patiently for a response. There were 15 other people in the room so there was a good chance that someone would talk to her.

FW: Hi Regional Girl, cool name…

Regional Girl: Thanks! :o)

FW: Isn’t that a Monkees song?

Regional Girl: Yes! Wow, no one has ever picked up on that before. Are you a fan?

FW: You could say that. Where are you from?

Regional Girl: Illinois. What about you?

FW: California. Is it proper to ask a lady her age?

Regional Girl: (LOL) Only because you’re a Monkees fan…I'm 30. You?

FW: Old, really old. (LOL)

Regional Girl: Age only matters if you're cheese.

FW: (LOL) I like that.

Regional Girl: So, what does the FW stand for?

FW: If I told you, then I'd have to kill you. (L) It's an abbreviation for an old nickname.

Regional Girl: What do you do in California?

FW: I’m a director and a musician.

Regional Girl: Have you directed anything I might have scene?

FW: Probably not. (L) I’m not very well known yet. What do you do?

Regional Girl: I’m a webpage designer.

FW: That sounds like fun.

Regional Girl: It is. I get to play on the computer and get paid for it. (L)


Regional Girl and FW went on chatting for the next hour or so (time goes much faster online). Then he asked the most dreaded question:

FW privately whispers to Regional Girl: What do you look like?

Regional Girl privately whispers to FW: I was wondering when that would come up. (L) I’m about 5'6", strawberry-blonde hair, blue eyes. I'm cute, I guess.

FW privately whispers to Regional Girl: I already knew you were cute before I asked.

Regional Girl privately whispers to FW: (Blush) Thanks! So, what do you look like?

FW privately whispers to Regional Girl: I'm 6', brown hair, brown eyes. I don't know how cute I am, but at least I know I'm not hideous.

Regional Girl privately whispers to FW: (LOL) Nope, you don't sound hideous at all. (Wink)

FW privately whispers to Regional Girl: I think we're going to be good friends. (S)

Regional Girl privately whispers to FW: I hope so. (S)


Over the next week, Regional Girl and FW chatted every night, sometimes until the wee hours of the morning. They still hadn't shared their real names, but Emily felt like she was falling for him. When she thought about it, it sounded so ridiculous, how could she be falling for someone she never met, but she was. And she had a pretty good feeling that he was falling for her too.


FW privately whispers to Regional Girl: I missed you today.

Regional Girl privately whispers to FW: I missed you too. How was your day?

FW privately whispers to Regional Girl: Long. I could use a hug.

Regional Girl privately whispers to FW: I wish I could be there to really give you one instead of this…(HUG).

FW privately whispers to Regional Girl: Me too. So, do you think its time I found out your real name?

Regional Girl privately whispers to FW: Emily.

FW privately whispers to Regional Girl: That's pretty. Mine is Michael.

Regional Girl privately whispers to FW: Nice to meet you Michael. (LOL)


Continue to Part 2
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Aimee's Shades of Monkees