Made For Each Other - Part 2

Michael knew he shouldn't get involved with Emily. After all, they lived so far apart and she was 24 years younger. But he couldn't help it, he was falling in love with her, he wanted to be with her in every way. It was nice to have a relationship with someone who didn't know who he really was and who wanted to be with him because of him and not because of his name. What scared him the most was the thought of losing her once she found out. He knew he had to tell her and soon.


FW privately whispers to Regional Girl: Hi…

Regional Girl privately whispers to FW: Hi yourself. How are you?

FW privately whispers to Regional Girl: I’ve been better. I need to tell you something.

Regional Girl privately whispers to FW: Okay…is something wrong?

FW privately whispers to Regional Girl: Yes…well no…I don’t know. This is harder that I thought it would be.

Regional Girl privately whispers to FW: Michael, you can tell me anything.

FW privately whispers to Regional Girl: I know, but not like this. Can I call you and tell you over the phone.

Regional Girl privately whispers to FW: Sure. My number is (630) 555-1234.

FW privately whispers to Regional Girl: Okay, I’ll call you in a few minutes.


“Hello…” Emily picked up the phone nervously. She had butterflies in her stomach that felt more like rocket ships.

“Hi…” Michael said softly. “How are you?”

“I was nervous, until I heard your voice. Its good to finally talk to you.” She hesitated. “Or is it?”

“Its good to hear your voice too, Emily.” He smiled into the phone.

“What did you want to tell me?”

“It’s about me.”

“Are you married?!” She exclaimed.

“No, honey, I am not married.”

“Then what is it?” There was frustration in her voice. “You’re killing me here, Michael.”

“Damn it! I can’t tell you this way either. It just feels wrong.” He sighed.

”Then what do you suggest?”

“Face to face.” He said before he even stopped to think about it. “Let’s meet, this weekend.”

“Are you sure?” She asked carefully.

“Yes, it’s the only way. Let me fly out and see you.”

Emily didn't know what to say until it finally hit her that she wanted nothing more. "Yes!"

"Yes?" He could hardly believe he had suggested it in the first place and was even more surprised at her answer.

"Yes!" She answered again.

"I'll make the arrangements right now and email them to you." He smiled.


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