~You & I - Part 3~

Emily and Ami spent the day on Rodeo Drive. They shopped, got manicures and facials and had a long lunch spending more time talking than actually eating. It was as if they had been best friends forever. They went back to Micky's house so Emily could get dressed for dinner that night. Micky had told her to buy something sexy because he was taking her out to his favorite restaurant.

"You look great." Ami smiled after helping Emily with her hair. "My dad is gonna flip." She laughed.

"Good." Emily giggled. She was wearing a sexy but elegant short black dress. Ami had pulled her curly hair back and fastened it with a gold barrette.

There was a knock on the door and Ami opened it a crack. "Can I help you?" She giggled.

"Is my date ready?" Micky smiled.

"Almost. She'll be down in a minute." She shut the door and turned back to Emily. "He looks pretty good for an old man." She laughed.

Emily put a simple pair of gold earrings in and dabbed perfume in all the right places. She hugged Ami and thanked her for all the help then ascended the stairs to find Micky waiting at the bottom looking at his watch. He was wearing a gray double-breasted suit and his hair was pulled back in a slick ponytail. Emily felt her breath catch in her throat at the mere sight of him. She cleared her throat to get his attention. "Hi."

He looked up at her and held out his hand as she reached the bottom of the steps. "Wow." It was the only thing he could get out.

"Thank you." She blushed taking his hand.


They dined at a small charming Italian restaurant complete with candlelight and violinists. Afterwards, Micky suggested that they go to a club and listen to some music. “Have you ever heard of James Allen?” He took her hand as they stepped out of the limousine.

Emily’s eyes grew wide. “Yeah, I’ve heard of him.” She took a deep breath. “Why?”

“He’s a friend of mine and he’s playing here tonight.” He led her into the club and they sat down at a table near the back of the room.

They watched the first set and when it was over, Micky grabbed Emily’s hand and tugged her towards the stage. “Michael, where are we going?”

“I want to say hi and introduce you to him. He’s a really great guy.” They worked their way through the crowd.

“Maybe we shouldn’t bother him.” Emily hesitated. “I’m sure he’s has better things to do.”

“Don’t be silly.” Micky laughed. They stood by the side of the stage as James stepped off. “Hey James!”

“Mick, man, its great to see you.” They shook hands.

“Its good to see you too. You sounded great, as always.” Micky smiled. “There’s someone I want you to meet.” He brought Emily in front of him. “This is Emily…”

“Hi blue eyes.” James smiled.

“Hi Jimmy.” Emily looked up at him.

“You two know each other?” Micky said in disbelief.

“We’re old friends.” James explained wrapping his arms around Emily in a hug. “You’re even more beautiful since the last time I saw you.”

Emily couldn’t help but blush. “Thank you.” She stepped out of his arms and stood next to Micky, putting her arm through his.

“We better let you get back.” Micky tone was suddenly cold.

“It was good seeing you again.” James reached over and kissed Emily cheek. “You too, man.” He gave Micky a pat on the shoulder.

“Have a good show.” Micky quickly turned and led Emily away. “Want to tell me what that was all about?”

“I created a web page for him.” She said innocently. “And then we dated for a while.”

“Now who’s keeping secrets.” He glared at her as stepped into the limousine.


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