~You & I - Part 6~

“Hi…” Emily said softly leaning against the doorjamb.

“I’m surprised to see you.” Micky didn’t move, he just stood there looking at her.

“Are you going someplace?” She asked pointing to the suitcase.

“Not anymore.” A slow smile came across his face. “Unless you plan on leaving again.”

“It was wrong of me to sneak out like that. I’m sorry.” She took a step inside the door.

“I’m sorry too. I acted like a big jerk.” He took a step towards her.

“I should have told you about James before we went into that club.” She took another step towards him, her eyes locked with his.

He took the final step so they were standing face-to-face. “And I shouldn’t have flown off the handle at you.” He reached out and softly caressed her cheek with the back of his hand.

She covered his hand with her own. “That doesn’t matter now.”

“What does matter?” He tangled his other hand in her hair.

“You and I.” She whispered looking up into his eyes. “I love you.”

“I love you too, Emily.” He kissed her then, long and slow, his hands running down her back and bringing her closer.



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