~Fairy Tale~

Cindy sat in the garden behind her house. Her face was tear-stained and still damp because, unlike all the other girls in town, she hadn't been asked to the dance. It wasn't as if Cindy wasn't beautiful, because she was. But she was also very shy and because of this, she didn't want to draw attention to herself the way the other girls did. Her hair was golden blond and her eyes so blue they resembled the ocean. This made the other girls very jealous of Cindy, which also meant she didn't have any friends. Cindy doubted that she would ever find her true love.

Her only real friend in the world was a cat named Jasper. He jumped up on her lap and nuzzled against her face. "Oh Jasper." Cindy buried her face in the cat's fir and began crying again. "I don't have anything left to believe in."

"That's not true, child." A far-away voice sang. "If you had nothing to believe in, then how could I do this?"

With a poof of smoke and twinkling lights dancing all around, a small kind-looking woman appeared. Cindy looked at the woman and blinked her eyes several times sure she was imaging this. "Who are you?" She asked in an astounded voice.

"Why, I'm you're fairy godmother." The woman answered with a smile.

Now, Cindy realized that it was the 1960's and mind-expanding drugs flowed almost freely, but she did not partake in such things. She put her hand to her head to feel for a fever and when she discovered none, she said, "Fairy godmothers only exist in fairy tales."

"Where do you think Walt Disney got that idea for Cinderella?" The woman laughed. "But that is a story for another time. We have work to do. You have a dance to attend."


Cindy's fairy godmother walked around the garden tapping her magic wand lightly on her chin. "Where should we begin?" She asked herself. "Transportation, of course!" She exclaimed.

Cindy still sat on the lounge chair staring at the woman. She couldn't believe what was happening. She watched in amazement as her fairy godmother waved her magic wand and turned her cat, Jasper, into a shiny new Volkswagen Beetle…fire engine red, of course.

The fairy godmother was very pleased with her work. "Hop on in, love. You don't want to be late." She urged.

Cindy looked down at her clothes, "Do you think I should…"

"Oh my, child, you can't go looking like that." She waved her magic wand again and suddenly Cindy was wearing a red mini-dress and silver go-go boots. "That's much better."

"Oh, thank you fairy godmother, thank you!" Cindy exclaimed hugged the small woman.

"You are quite welcome, my dear." She smiled. "Now, there is one thing you must remember. Like all dreams, my magic must end. When the clock strikes twelve, the spell will be broken."

Cindy promised to be home before midnight as she hugged her fairy godmother once more. Then she jumped into the car and off to the dance she drove.


Meanwhile, The Monkees were setting up their instruments at the Dance Palace where the party was going to take place.

"Hey Mick," Davy called, "we're all going out after the party, why don't you come with us?"

"I don't think so." Micky shook his head.

"Come on, I'll set you up with Betty's sister." Davy replied. "That way we'll all have dates."

"No thanks, Dave." He answered. "I've seen Betty's sister and she's not my type."

"No one seems to be your type lately." Mike butted in. "What gives?"

"When I see her, I'll know." Micky replied.

"You know, love at first sight only happens in fairy tales." Mike told him.


Cindy pulled into the parking lot of the Dance Palace. She could feel the butterflies in her stomach only they felt more like rockets. She got out of the car and walked in the door. The place was jumping. People were dancing, laughing and talking and it seemed that everyone stopped and turned around to look at her.

"Who's that?" She heard someone whisper.

"Its Cindy." Another girl answered.

She made her way through the crowd towards the music. The voice singing was so sweet; she had to see who it was. Someone moved out of her way and she saw him behind the drums. His brown eyes closed as he sang and when he opened them again, they locked with hers. The music stopped.


Micky saw her across the room and his voice caught in his throat. He swallowed hard and stared at her. It seemed that everything in the world came to a sudden halt and there was only her looking at him. A shy smiled came across her face and she blushed.

"Micky?" Mike turned around and looked at him.

No response, it seemed like he was in a trance.

"Um…Micky?" Peter called a little louder.

Again, no response and by this time, the entire room stared in silence at them.

"Micky!" Davy walked in front of him, shaking his maracas violently in his face. "Micky!"

Micky snapped back into reality and looked up at him. "What?" Then he looked around the room. "Oh, sorry." He said shyly.

Mike stepped back up to the microphone. "We're gonna take a short break while our drummer recovers."

The crowd laughed and clapped.


"Did you see her?" Micky asked enthusiastically as they walked back stage.

"See who?" Mike replied.

"That girl in the red dress! How could you miss her? She's beautiful." He exclaimed. "I have got to go talk to her." He headed back out when Mike grabbed his shoulder.

"Hang on there, shotgun. We're in the middle of a gig."

"Five minutes." Micky held up his hand. "I have to meet her."

Mike nodded and smiled. "Five minutes."


Micky worked his way through the crowd and then he saw her. He grew more nervous the closer his got. His palms were sweaty, his head was spinning and his stomach was fluttering. She saw him walking towards her and smiled shyly again and he returned with a shy smile of his own.

"Hi." Micky said nervously.

"Hi." Cindy blushed. "You sounded really great."

"Thanks." He also blushed slightly talking both of her hands in his own. "Will you dance with me during our next break?"

She gently squeezed his hands and looked up into his deep brown eyes. "Yes."

He leaned forward and gave her a soft kiss on the cheek then walked back towards the stage where Mike, Davy and Peter were gathering their instruments. He looked back at her and she blew him a kiss and he knew that love at first sight did exist.


The next hour and a half seemed to take a lifetime for Micky. Finally Mike announced they would be taking a short break. The jukebox kicked in to fill in for them.

Cindy had gotten a table close to the stage and Micky walked over holding out his hand. "Would you like the dance?"

She placed her small hand in his and stood up, nodding. He led her to the dance floor and held her close in his arms as they swayed to a slow song. At that moment, it seemed that no words needed to be spoken as they gazed into each other's eyes. Micky bent his head and softly kissed her lips.

The dance floor was empty except for the two of them but they didn't seem to notice. Cindy rested her head on his shoulder and as they danced in a slow circle, she glanced up at the clock. It read 11:57 p.m.

"I think I'm…" Micky started but was cut off as Cindy slipped out of his arms.

"I have to go." She ran towards the exit.

Micky chased after her. "Wait!" He saw her flying down the outside steps. "Please, wait! I don't even know your name!" He called again, but it was too late. She was already in the car and skidding out of the parking lot.

He stood there, confused and alone, when something shiny caught his eye. He bent over and picked up one of the gold barrettes she was wearing in her hair. He closed it tightly in his hand and vowed to himself that he would find her.


The fairy godmother's magic came to an end and the next thing Cindy knew she was waking up in her own bed the next morning with Jasper rubbing up against her chin. It had only been a wonderful dream, she thought to herself. She sat up with tears stinging her eyes and then she saw it…a gold barrette lying on the nightstand.


The next hour and a half seemed to take a lifetime for Micky. Finally Mike announced they would be taking a short break. The jukebox kicked in to fill in for them.

Cindy had gotten a table close to the stage and Micky walked over holding out his hand. "Would you like the dance?"

She placed her small hand in his and stood up, nodding. He led her to the dance floor and held her close in his arms as they swayed to a slow song. At that moment, it seemed that no words needed to be spoken as they gazed into each other's eyes. Micky bent his head and softly kissed her lips.

The dance floor was empty except for the two of them but they didn't seem to notice. Cindy rested her head on his shoulder and as they danced in a slow circle, she glanced up at the clock. It read 11:57 p.m.

"I think I'm…" Micky started but was cut off as Cindy slipped out of his arms.

"I have to go." She ran towards the exit.

Micky chased after her. "Wait!" He saw her flying down the outside steps. "Please, wait! I don't even know your name!" He called again, but it was too late. She was already in the car and skidding out of the parking lot.

He stood there, confused and alone, when something shiny caught his eye. He bent over and picked up one of the gold barrettes she was wearing in her hair. He closed it tightly in his hand and vowed to himself that he would find her.


The fairy godmother's magic came to an end and the next thing Cindy knew she was waking up in her own bed the next morning with Jasper rubbing up against her chin. It had only been a wonderful dream, she thought to herself. She sat up with tears stinging her eyes and then she saw it…a gold barrette lying on the nightstand.


Micky was like a man possessed. He couldn't eat and he couldn't sleep. All he could do was think about her. He asked everyone at the Dance Palace but no one knew much about her except that her name was Cindy. He spent the next week looking all over town for her but had no luck at all.

"What am I going to do?" He came in the pad and flopped down on the couch exhausted.

"Maybe you should just give up." Mike answered.

"Mike's right." Davy chimed in. "If the girl wanted to be found, you would have found her by now."

"I can't give up." Micky sighed. "I'm in love with her."

"What?!" Both Mike and Davy exclaimed at the same time.

"I'm in love with her." He said again. "I know it sounds insane but its true."

"You're right, mate, it does sound insane." Davy retorted with a small chuckle.


What Micky didn't know was that Cindy was looking for him just as much as he was looking for her. Their problem was extremely bad timing. When she went back to the Dance Palace the day after they met, he had already been there not 30 minutes before. He looked for her at the movie theater, but she had already left. He was leaving the soda shop through the back door as she came in the front door.

The fairy godmother watched them through her crystal ball and it sadden her that two people who were so meant for each other were having such bad luck. She knew she shouldn't interfere any further, but she did it anyway. With a wave of her magic wand…

"I'm going for a walk on the beach." Cindy told Jasper, the cat, suddenly.

Meanwhile, Micky told the guys the very same thing.


Cindy strolled down the beach, her sandals dangling from the tips of her fingers. A warm breeze lightly caressed her face as the sun starting making its dip into the ocean. She looked ahead of her and saw him, his unruly curls blowing in the breeze. He looked up and saw her too. They both stopped, their eyes locking. He reached into his pocket and took out the gold barrette. It seemed to glow warm in his hand. They started walking towards each other; they're pace quickening as they got closer.

"I found you!" They both exclaimed meeting face to face and then laughed.

He took her hand and gently placed the barrette in it. "I think this belongs to you." He smiled softly.

"Thank you." She blushed, covering his hand with her own.

"You left before I even found out your name. How come?" He asked lacing their fingers together.

She giggled slightly. "You wouldn't believe me if I told you."

"It doesn't matter. What does matter is that we found each other." He took her in his arms holding tight. "I know it sounds crazy, but I love you."

She reached up, wrapping her arms around his neck. "That doesn't sound so crazy. I love you too."

They kissed then, long and passionately, the sun setting behind them and the fairy godmother making the night sparkle around them.


Of course they were married and lived happily ever after. After all this is a fairy tale and all dreams do come true -- if you truly believe!



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