~Dyin of a Broken Heart - Part 1~

Dr. Holly Brooks stood at the front desk of her small office making notes on her last patient. Her glasses had slipped to the end of her nose and she haphazardly pushed her curly red hair out of her face.

“Excuse me?” A man walked in the office and up to the desk.

“Can I help you?” Holly asked not looking up from her notes.

“I cut my hand.” He leaned forward. “I need to see the doctor. I think its pretty bad.”

“I’ll be with you in just a minute.” She finished writing and closed the folder. “I’m Dr. Brooks.” She looked up and into the almond-shaped eyes of the man standing in front of the desk. He was holding his left hand against his chest. A towel had been wrapped around it and the blood was soaking through. She quickly rounded the desk and carefully removed the towel. “How did this happen?”

“My bagel had it in for me.” He chuckled.

“Those bagels can be dangerous.” She looked at the cut on the palm of his hand. “Looks like you’ll need a few stitches. Follow me.” She led him down a short hall and into an examination room. “Hop up on the table.” She went to the sink and thoroughly washed her hands before slipping on a pair of latex gloves. She walked back over to him and examined the cut once more. “Four stitches ought to do it. Are you allergic to anything, Mr. Dolenz?”

“No, I’m not.” He watched her fill a syringe with fluid. “You know who I am?”

“We do have cable, even here in the boondocks.” She took his hand in her own. “I’m going to give you a local for the pain. You’ll feel a small prick.” She gave him the shot and then threw the syringe out. “We’ll give that a few minutes to start working.” She cleaned the cut area with iodine.

“You have a very gentle touch, doc.” Micky smiled.

“Thank you.” She finished cleaning out the cut. “What brings you to Montana?”

“Vacation.” He answered. “I’ve been thinking about buying some property here.”

“A lot of celebrities do that.” She opened a paper package and pulled out the stitching needle. She walked back over to him. “Are you ready?”

“I guess.” He stared at the needle.

“Relax.” She gave him a soft smile. “This shouldn’t hurt, but if it does, let me know.” She waited until he nodded and then sewed the first stitch. “How long have you been in town?”

“Just a couple of days.” He looked anywhere but at his hand. “I’m renting a cabin on the north side of town.”

“Bud Dooley’s place.” She continued onto the second stitch. “He has the best cabins in town. He also has the only cabins in town.”

Micky laughed. “Have you lived her all your life?”

“Most of it.” She sewed the third stitch. “I went away for college and medical school and then I did my residency in Chicago.”

“How come you came back here?” He asked.

“This is my home.” She finished the fourth stitch.

“Are you married?” He watched her tie off the last stitch.

“All done.” She quickly took of her gloves and threw them in the garbage can. “I’m going to give you a prescription for an antibiotic so we can avoid any infection.” She wrote on the prescription pad, tore the page off and handed it to him. “You’ll need to come back in a week to have them out.”

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to put you on the spot like that, doc.” His voice was sincere.

“Call me if you have any questions or problems.” She smiled accepting his apology.

“What do I owe you?” He reached for his wallet.

“Don’t worry about it. The first four stitches are on the house.” She walked him towards the door. “Stay off the bagels for a while.”

“Thanks, doc.” He laughed. “I promise.”


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