~Dyin of a Broken Heart - Part 2~

Micky could not get Dr. Holly Brooks out of his mind. He thought about the gentle way she had taken care of his hand. The soft look in her deep blue eyes when she smiled. He had even asked Mrs. Brown, the woman who owned the general store, about her.

“We love Dr. Holly.” The older woman smiled. “Her family has been in these parts since our town was settled.” She slipped the sweet roll that Micky had bought into a paper bag. “Such a shame that big city doctor hurt her so. Imagine out poor Holly walking in on him and his secretary. It’s just dreadful.”

“Is that why she came back here?” He asked taking the paper bag in his hand.

“I suppose it is.” She winked. “Are you interested in our lovely doctor?”

“She is lovely.” Micky smiled casually. “Thank you for the sweet roll…and the information.”


A few days later, Micky went back to the doctor’s office to have his stitches removed. “Hey doc.” He strolled in and up to the desk.

“I’ll be with you in a minute, Mr. Dolenz.” Holly replied coolly and finished up the paperwork in front of her. “Follow me.” She again led him into the examination room. “Sit down. This won’t take long.” She washed her hands and then walked to him carrying a small pair of scissors.

“I was hoping we would get to talk some more.” He watched as she carefully undid the bandage around his hand.

“I don’t think so. I’m very busy.” Her voice was ice cold but her hands remained gentle as she started to snip the stitches.

“Then have dinner with me.” He requested. “We could talk and get to know one another.”

“I think you’ve been doing enough talking.” Her temper flared. “And you already know enough about me.”

“Have I done something to upset you, Holly?” He asked sincerely.

“How dare you ask around town about me.” She stormed. “In lieu of what you might have heard, some people in small towns want to keep their private lives exactly that – private!”

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to…”

“Just because you’re a celebrity, it does not give you the right to walk into this town and find out everyone’s business, especially mine!” She continued. “And I don’t care if Mrs. Brown does think you are charming and handsome. I think you are rude, selfish and annoying.” She snipped the last stitch out of his hand and slammed down the scissors.

Just then a young child with a bright smile and blonde pigtails ran into the room. “Dr. Holly, Dr. Holly!!”

“Amanda Jean, come back here. Dr. Holly is with another patient.” A woman, obviously the frustrated mother of the child, ran in after her. “I’m sorry, doctor. She was so excited to see you.”

“Its okay, Nicole.” Holly smiled and lifted Amanda up onto her lap. “Amanda can interrupt me anytime.”

“Who’s that?” Amanda pointed at Micky.

“Mr. Dolenz, this is Amanda and Nicole Smith.” Holly introduced them.

“Nice to meet you.” Micky winked at the child. “And you can call me Micky.”

“Hi.” Amanda blushed. “Did you hurt your hand?”

“Yes, but Dr. Holly fixed it all up.” He made a fist with his hand several times to show her. “See, all better.”

“Amanda, go into the next room. I’ll be there in just a minute.” Holly lifted her off her lap and gave her a gentle push.

“Is she sick?” Micky asked when they had left the room.

“She has asthma. I test her lung capacity every two weeks.” She inspected his hand once more. “You’re good with kids.”

“So are you.” He smiled and stood up. “Please have dinner with me.”

“I’ll think about it.” She looked away from him trying to hide her smile.

He walked towards the door. “So, I’ll pick you up at 7:00 tonight.”

She scribbled something down on her prescription pad and then handed him the ripped off page. “7:30.”

He looked at the address she had written down. “7:30.” He restated and then left with a smile.


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