~Dyin of a Broken Heart - Part 4~

Holly picked Micky up early Saturday morning. “I thought you might need this.” She handed him a steaming hot cup of coffee when he got in her truck.

“You are an angel, doc.” He sighed happily taking a sip. “Its very early.” He did, however, notice that she was wearing tight fitting jeans, a black tee shirt and a lightweight jean jacket. Her red hair was pinned up off her face. He found her more beautiful than she had been the evening they had dinner.

“I know.” She yawned. “But my mom promised a big breakfast if we got there early.”

“A real home cooked meal.” He practically drooled.

She giggled. “I don’t get much time for anything more than a microwave meal.”

“I hope I’m not taking you away from the office today.” He looked over at her.

“No, I’m really looking forward to it.” She smiled.

“Me too.” He returned her smile and gave her hand a gentle squeeze.


“Its incredible.” Micky stood on the front porch and looked out at the rolling hills and big blue sky.

“I never get tired of looking at it.” Holly smiled just as the door opened. “Hi mom!”

“Hi sweetheart.” They hugged. “Its good to see you.”

“Mom, this is Micky Dolenz. Micky, this is my mom.” She introduced them.

“Its very nice to meet you, Mrs. Brooks.” Micky smiled and shook her hand.

“Please call me Donna. We aren’t formal around these parts.” She held open the door for them. “Come inside, breakfast is just about ready.”

“It smells wonderful.” Micky took in a deep breath as he and Holly walked through the living room and into the kitchen. He spotted a picture on the mantel of Holly in her wedding dress. She was stunning and yet he felt a twang of jealousy thinking about her with someone else.

“Hi daddy!” Holly threw her arms around the neck of the man sitting at the kitchen table.

“Hey princess.” He hugged her close. “Who’s this?” He cocked his head in an intimidating manner towards Micky.

“Daddy, this is Micky. Micky, this is my dad, Joe.” She giggled.

“Hmmm.” Joe put his hand out.

“Its nice to meet you, sir.” Micky took his hand and gave a firm shake.

“Oh, stop it Joe.” Donna laughed. “Don’t you worry about him, Micky, he’s as harmless as a teddy bear.”


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