~A Little Bit Me, A Little Bit You - Part 1~

Micky pulled the rental car into the parking lot for the clinic. It had been almost a year since he had left Pleasant, Montana and since he had last seen Holly. They had kept in touch through the phone, letters and email but due to the pressures of their professional careers, they had been unable to see each other. He couldn’t stand being away from her and he hope that she felt the same way. He was going to surprise her and ask her to marry him. The engagement ring was tucked safely in his coat pocket.

He parked the car and walked into the clinic. An older woman doctor stood behind the counter. “Hi, I’m looking for Dr. Holly Brooks.”

The woman looked up and smiled. “I’m Dr. Crane. Dr. Brooks isn’t in this morning, can I help you?”

“Nice to meet you, Dr. Crane. I’m Micky Dolenz.” He smiled. “Could you tell me where she is?”

“Umm…of course.” She hesitated. “She’s at home, I believe.”

“Thank you.” Micky waved and left deciding to walk the short distance to Holly’s house. He looked around the town on his way. Nothing had changed. There was something very secure and peaceful in that. He could be very happy living here in this small town with Holly. There would be a lot of travel involved because of his career but he wouldn’t mind as long as he could come home to her.

He knocked on the door and waited anxiously for Holly to answer. She opened the door and his breath was taken away. She had only gotten more beautiful since he saw her last. “Hi, doc.” He smiled.

“Micky!” She exclaimed. “What are you doing here? I thought you weren’t coming back for a while.”

“I missed you so much, I had to see you.” He explained.

“I missed you too.” She reluctantly opened the door.

“Are you okay, doc?” He walked inside. “You look like you’ve seen a ghost or something.”

“I’m just surprised to see you, that’s all.” She blushed.

He swept her up in his arms and kissed her deeply, feeling her melt against him. “God, you feel good.” He buried his head in her hair and then suddenly pulled away. “What’s that noise?”

She kissed him on the cheek. “I’ll be right back.” She went into one of the bedroom and came back a few minutes later with a small bundle in her arms. “Micky, this is your son.”


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