~A Little Bit Me, A Little Bit You - Part 2~

“My son?” Micky asked quietly.

“Yes.” She rocked the baby in her arms. “His name is Michael Joseph. I named him after you and my father.”

“Why didn’t you tell me?” He looked at the baby, shock written all over his face.

“I wanted to. God, so many times I started to but there never seemed to be the right words.” She explained. “I found out about a month after you left that I was pregnant.”

“Jesus, Holly! We talked on the phone almost every night for a year and you never told me!” He stormed. “How could you do that?! How could you not tell me?!”

“Micky, please believe me, I didn’t plan for this to happen. I didn’t want you to find out this way.” Tears built in her eyes.

“I can’t believe you did this! When were you gonna tell me? Or were you ever going to tell me?” His voice was icy.

“Of course I was!” She shot back. “This child means more to me than you could ever understand. And I want you to be a part of his life.”

“Part of his life.” He repeated. “As what, some long-distance father who he only knows because he watches some old reruns of The Monkees from 30 years ago?”

“You are the one who left a year ago, not me!” She yelled.

“Don’t throw that at me, I had to leave for the same reason that you wouldn’t come with me.” He stared at her. “I thought you loved me. I never thought that you would betray me like this. I thought we would…Nevermind.” He walked out the door and slammed it behind him.


“You should have told him.” Donna placed a cup of tea in front of her daughter.

“Mom, please don’t say I told you so. I couldn’t bear to hear that right now.” Holly rested her head on the table.

“He’s a good man and he loves you.” She patted her arm. “He’ll come around.”

“I don’t think so.” She sniffled. “You should have seen the way he looked at me. His eyes were so full of anger.”

Donna picked up her grandchild and smiled. “He’ll come around.”


Micky sat in his hotel room alone the rest of the day. He turned the ring box over and over in his hands. All he could think about was that he had a son. He had been blessed with four beautiful daughters whom he loved very much. But now he had a son. A son that until a few hours ago he didn’t even know existed. A son that he hadn’t even had the chance to hold yet. He set the ring down on the nightstand and picked up the phone knowing what he had to do.


Holly walked into the general store a couple of days later. She grabbed the few items she needed and walked up to the counter. “Hello Mrs. Brown.”

“Good morning, Dr. Holly.” She smiled. “How is that sweet boy of yours?”

"He is just fine, thank you.” Holly returned the smile.

“Mr. Dolenz was in earlier.” She watched Holly out of the corner of her eye as she rang up the groceries. “He bought some nails, a hammer and a few gallons of paint.”

“Why would he need those things?” She asked trying to sound like she really wasn’t interested.

“Oh, didn’t you hear, dear? He bought the old Jackson ranch up on Route 23.” Mrs. Brown said. “He’s moving here permanently.”


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