~A Little Bit Me, A Little Bit You - Part 3~

Micky heard a knock on the door and when he opened it he was surprised to see Holly’s parents, Joe and Donna, on the other side. “Hello.”

“We thought you could use some help with the house.” Joe held up his toolbox.

“And we thought you might like to see your son.” Donna showed him the baby in her arms.

“Does Holly know you’re here?” He held the door open for them.

“Yes.” Donna answered simply. “Do you want to hold him?”

“Please.” Micky gave a soft smile and took the baby in his arms. He sat down and looked at his son. “Hi Michael, I’m your daddy.” He looked up at Joe and Donna. “He’s beautiful. Thank you for doing this.”

“He deserves to know who his father is.” Joe explained looking around the house. “Needs some work.”

“Yeah, it does.” Micky agreed. “But the structure is sound and its got a big back yard. Plenty of room for a swing set and a sand box.” He smiled down at Michael.


Micky and Joe worked on the house the rest of the day. They fixed the windows, patched some holes in the walls and painted the bedrooms. Donna took to cleaning the kitchen and the bathrooms. It was dark when they finished.

“We should get this little guy home.” Donna picked the baby up.

“Thank you for your help.” Micky shook Joe’s hand.

“You’re welcome.” He took Micky aside. “Women are a funny breed and my daughter is no different. They play with a man’s emotions and turn your insides out.” He looked over at his wife lovingly. “But if they love you, it makes everything right again.”


“Hey doc.” Micky walked into the clinic the next day. “Where’s Michael?”

She looked up surprised. “He’s with my mom. She watches him when I work.”

“I’d like to spend some time with him. Maybe give your mom a break once in a while.” He smiled. “Like maybe tomorrow.”

“Okay.” She smiled. “I’ll bring him by in the morning.”


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