~You Just May Be The One - Part 1~

Jenna sat in her office listening to the music coming from the next room. Her roommates had a band and they were rehearsing for their gig the following Friday. She tried to turn her attention back to her computer screen but instead found herself tapping her foot and singing along. The five of them had been living together for over a year and had been friends much longer than that.

She wandered out into the living room and plopped down on the sofa. She sang along quietly and when they were done, she clapped. "That was great, as always." She smiled.

"Thanks, Jen." Mike adjusted the shoulder strap of his guitar. "We thought you were working."

"I was, but I got bored." She sighed. "Besides, I would much rather listen to you guys."

"Well, in that case, what do you want to hear?" Micky winked at her from behind the drums.

"What do you think?" She laughed.

"'Sometime in the Morning' coming right up." He banged his drumsticks together counting them off.

As she listened to them sing, her mind wandered back to when she had met them. She had met Mike first, when they were in grade school. Her dad had gotten transferred and they moved into the house across the street from Mike and his mom. He was two years older than she was but they became fast friends being the only two kids on the whole block. When they got to high school, they met Peter. He was shy and quiet but could play a mean guitar. Mike came up with the idea of starting a band but they still needed a drummer. Enter Micky. He was completely insane and hysterically funny but was serious when it came to music. When Davy transferred in from England, the band was complete. He didn't play any instruments, but he could definitely attract the girls. Jenna sometimes would sing backup for them but after college she decided to concentrate on her writing instead. Every once in a while, she missed being up on the stage with them, but the most important thing was their friendship.

"We're gonna go grab some dinner, wanna come with?" Peter asked her after rehearsal was over.

"No, I should get back to work." She declined. "Have fun." She locked the door behind them and went back to her office throwing herself in her work the rest of the evening.


After dinner, the guys went to a movie and when the came home, Jenna was still slaving away in front of her computer. "You're gonna go blind if you keep staring at that thing." Micky knocked on the open door.

She jumped, "Shit, you scared me half to death."

"Such language from a lady." He laughed. "I'm sorry."

"No, you're not." She giggled. "I didn't hear you come home. What time is it?"

"After midnight. We saw a movie after dinner." He walked over and leaned against her desk.

"Didn't you have a date tonight with Lisa?" She pushed away from the desk and propped her feet up next to him.

"We broke up last week." He answered.

"Mick, I'm sorry." She took his hand and squeezed. "You want to talk?"

"Yeah." He smiled and returned the squeeze.

"Let me save this stuff and I'll meet you in my room in a few minutes."


Jenna shut down her computer and went to her room. One of the perks of being a girl was getting her own room. Micky came in a few moments later. He had changed into a pair of shorts and a tee shirt. "I still think I should have this room and you should live with Mike, the snorer."

"Funny, he says the same thing about you." She laughed. They both sat down on her bed. "What happened with Lisa?"

"I don't know, Jen. We were having dinner last week and she was just babbling on and on about how all the girls at our last gig were jealous of her because she was with me. I realized that she didn't really care about me, she just wanted the attention." He sighed. "Plus, she wasn't the smartest egg in the carton."

"That's for sure." Jenna replied before she could stop herself. "Oh, Mick, I'm sorry, I didn't mean that."

"Yes, you did." He nodded. "I know you didn't like her."

She took his hand. "I just didn't like her for you. I know you can do so much better."

"I'm tired of dating all these women who mean nothing to me." He got up and walked across the room. "I want someone I can really love who will love me back. And not because I'm in a band, but because they love me."

She clasped her hand over her heart. "Do my ears deceive me or are you growing up?"

"I'm serious, Jen." He looked at her.

"A rare sight indeed." She stated.

"Ouch!" He tried to look pained, but laughed instead. "Don't worry, I'm sure it won't last."

"This is a good side of you. Its nice to see." She smiled.

"Yeah, well, we don't have to tell anyone about this." He walked over and sat back down on the bed.

"I'll keep it to myself, until I need something to blackmail you with." She laughed.

"You wouldn't dare." He picked up a pillow to arm himself.

"Oh, wouldn't I?" Before she could pick up the other pillow, she got hit with one in the face.

A full-fledged pillow fight then ensued ending with Micky tackling her on the bed when she captured both the pillows. His fingers instantly went to tickling her ribs. "Give up?" He laughed.

"No!" She screeched trying to wiggle out from underneath him. "Come on, Mick, stop it." She laughed.

"Not until you say the magic word." He tickled her harder laughing like a madman.

"Never." She squirmed, laughing and trying to push his hands away. "One of these days I'm going to kick your ass."

"Ooh, I'm so scared." He cackled. "Come on, Jenny, say the magic word."

"Don't call me that!" She yelled pushing him away. "Alright already, uncle! Now stop."

He collapsed on the bed next to her. Propping himself up on his elbows, he looked down at her and gently moved a wisp of her hair out of her eyes. "You're pretty when you're mad."

"Shut up, Mick." She tried to break her gaze from his but couldn't. She noticed he was leaning closer to her. "What are you doing?"

"I think I'm about to kiss you." He whispered. He gave her plenty of time to pull away and when she didn't, he softly brushed his lips across hers.

She couldn't believe it was happening and she couldn't stop it either. She went to wrap her arms around his neck, when the door burst open. Micky jumped up and off the bed, scampering to the other side of the room. "What's with all the noise?" Mike asked, annoyance filling his voice. "Some of us are trying to sleep."

"We were…um…we were just talking." Micky answered quickly. "You know, sleep sounds good. I'm going to bed." He practically ran out of the room.

Jenna got off the bed and picked the pillows up off the floor. "Sorry we woke you." She said quietly not looking at him.

"No, I'm sorry I interrupted." He stifled his laugh.

"Nothing happened." She defended. "It's just like Micky said, we were talking."

"Jen, you're my best friend and I've known you forever. You can't lie to me." He took her arm and turned her around.

"Look, Michael, it was a fluke. We both got caught up in the moment and it went one step too far. That's it." She sat down on the bed. "It's never going to happen again."

"I'm sorry to hear that, Jen." He walked towards the door and before closing it, he said, "I think you two would be great together."


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