~You Just May Be The One - Part 2~

The next morning, both Jenna and Micky wandered into the kitchen at the same time. "Hi." She said quietly, taking a Diet Coke out of the refrigerator.

"Hey." He took a coffee cup out of the cabinet. "Look, Jenna, about last night."

"Micky, please, you don't have to say anything." She stopped him. "It happened and now its over. Don't worry about it."

"I'm glad you feel that way." He sounded relieved, but inside he felt disappointed. "Are you still coming to the gig tonight?"

"Of course, I wouldn't miss it for the world." She smiled and left the room, feeling her heart break.


The club was packed that night, as it always was when The Monkees performed there. Jenna sat at their usual table with their friends and groupies alike. It always amazed her to feel the energy they brought out of the crowd when they performed. Micky watched her from behind the drums and felt a twang of jealousy when someone asked her to dance. He shook it off reminding himself that they were just friends. Besides, it had never bothered him before, why should it bother him now.

By the time they took their first break, Micky's blood was boiling. Jenna was getting quite chummy with whomever it was that had asked her to dance. He and Mike walked over to the table and he slid into the booth next to her.

"Great set." She smiled. "Oh, this is Ron. Ron, these are two of my roommates, Micky and Mike."

"Nice to meet you, man." Mike shook his hand but Micky ignored him completely.

"Having a good time?" He asked sarcastically into her ear.

"Why, yes I am." She replied with the same tone.

"That's great." He smirked. "You know, if you sit any closer to him, you'll be on his lap."

She shot him a dirty look and grabbed Ron's hand. "Come on, let's go dance."

Mike leaned across the table after they were on the dance floor. "What's up with you two?"

"Nothing." Micky answered curtly taking a swig of his beer. "Come on, we've got another set to do."


During the second set, Micky kept one eye on Jenna at all times. The intensity of his playing was being fueled by his anger. He watched them dance. Ron would lean over a whisper something to her and she would throw her head back laughing. Then he kissed her. When he tried to deepen the kiss, Jenna pushed him away. But Ron wasn't taking no for answer and that's when Micky exploded.

He leapt off the stage and onto the dance floor. Grabbing Ron by his shirt, he punched him with an upper cut to the jaw, knocking him backwards. The music stopped with the other Monkees jumping off the stage. "Micky!" Jenna screamed angrily. "What the hell is wrong with you?"

Ron lunged for Micky, but Mike caught him. In the meantime, Peter was holding Micky back. "Stay away from her!" Micky stormed.

"Damn it, Micky, knock it off!" Jenna stood between them. "What are you doing?"

"I am protecting you, Jenny." He was still glaring at Ron over her shoulder.

"Who died and left you as my protector?" She poked him hard in the chest. "And don't call me that!" She grabbed her purse off the table. "I'm going home!" Then, turning on her heal, she stomped out of the club.


When the band got home later that night, they found Jenna sitting at the kitchen table. She and Micky just stared at each other. Mike looked at Peter and Davy then gestured towards the door. "Why don't we unload the equipment?"

"Good idea, Mike." Davy replied pushing Peter towards the door quickly so the three of them could escape.

As soon as the door shut, Jenna stood up. "Don't you EVER pull something like that again!"

"That guy was all over you, Jen. You were in trouble so I stepped in a took care of it." Micky explained.

"I am not a little girl and I can take care of myself." She stormed. "He certainly wasn't the first guy to step over the line and I'm sure he won't be the last. Of course, now that the entire world thinks you're my keeper, I may never get asked out again."

"Good!" He yelled back.

"Just stay out of my life, Dolenz." She glared at him, her eyes full of hate. "I mean it."

When Mike, Peter and Davy came back into the house, the heard her bedroom door slam. Micky was still in the kitchen. "I don't want to talk about it." He said before they could ask any questions.

"We won't talk about it." Peter stated. "Is she okay?"

"I don't know." He stood up and paced. "I know do that she's stubborn, hard-headed and completely frustrating."

"Sounds a lot like you." Mike said quietly and then they left him alone.


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Aimee's Shades of Monkees