~You Just May Be The One - Part 3~

Jenna couldn't sleep, instead she tossed and turned and fought with the covers. Finally, in an attempt to remain sane, she threw them off and got up. It was either really, really late or really, really early, depending on how one looked at it. She wrapped herself up in the blanket and went outside on the patio. It wasn't quite time for the sun to rise, but it was close enough. She sat on the foot of the lounge chair with her feet curled up underneath her.

"You okay?" Mike's sleepy drawl came from behind her.

"I couldn't sleep." She looked back at him. "Sorry if I woke you."

"Its alright, this is one of my favorite times of day." He straddled the chair behind her and pulled her back to lean on him. There was a long comfortable silence as they both watched the sky beginning to lighten. "Do you want to talk about it?"

"Not really." She sighed. "I just want to know why he acted like that."

"That's easy enough to answer. Remember when you were little and the boys used to pull your hair?"


"They did that because they liked you." Mike chuckled. "This is the same thing, only you're dealing with an older boy."

"What are you trying to say?" Jenna looked up at him with raised eyebrows.

"I'm saying that Micky likes you a lot more than he's willing to admit. And I think the feeling is mutual."

"Is it that obvious?" She looked back towards the ocean.

"Why else would you be so hard on him?" He asked.

"Because he acted like a complete jerk." She laughed. "I guess I could go talk to him." She stood and turned around. "Thanks, Michael." She bent down and kissed his cheek.

"You're welcome." He blushed.


"Mick, wake up." Jenna shook him gently.

"Huh? Go away." He grumbled from underneath the pillow.

"Come on, Micky, wake up. I need to talk to you." She shook him harder.

"What time is it?" He peered out at her.

"You don't want to know." She giggled. "Let's just say its early."

He turned on his side and propped himself on his elbow. "You're talking to me?"

"Yeah, well, its been suggested that maybe I was a little hard on you last night. Not that you didn't deserve it, because you did." She sat down on the bed but looked away from him. "I don't want you out of my life."

"I hadn't planned on staying out." He wrapped a piece of hair behind her ear. "I am sorry. I was angry and jealous and way out of line."

She looked over at him, the sunlight coming through the window and making her hair glow. "Jealous…why?"

He was quiet for a moment just looking at her. "Because I wanted to be the one who was kissing you." He answered softly.

"You didn't have to beat anyone up." She smiled. "All you had to do was ask."

"Okay, I'm asking. Will you go out with me tonight?"



Micky took her out for a quiet dinner and a walk on the beach that night. They talked and laughed both surprised at how comfortable it felt to be with each other. He walked her back to her bedroom when the evening was over. "I had a really good time." She smiled shyly looking up at him.

"Me too." He gently brushed her cheek with his hand. "Good night." He leaned over and kissed her deeply, his arms wrapping around her.

"Good night." She pulled back reluctantly, her stomach full of butterflies.


Over the next few of weeks, Micky and Jenna grew closer to each other. There was no doubt that they were falling in love. Mike, Peter and Davy could see it and it made them happy to know they found each other after all the years of being just friends. There was only one problem…they hadn't made love yet. When things started to heat up between them, Micky would pull away. At first, Jenna figured he was just being a gentleman. But as the weeks went on, she didn't understand it at all.


Jenna came home early one afternoon. She was supposed to have been in a meeting most of the day, but it had been cut short. She walked into the house and found it quieter than usual. "Anyone home!" She called walking from room to room. She reached Micky's bedroom door and her stomach turned. The noise coming from inside couldn't be mistaken.

Throwing open the door, her suspicions were confirmed. Micky's hands were tangled in her bleached blonde hair holding her to him as he bucked in her mouth. Her long tanned legs kneeling in front of him.

Micky's eyes opened slowly and he saw her just before she took off in a run. "Oh shit!" He quickly disengaged himself from the blonde, pushing her away. "Jenna, wait!"


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