~Hold On Girl - Part 1~

After three weeks of book signings and personal appearances, all Kate wanted to do was spend her birthday with a bowl of popcorn, a pint of Ben & Jerry's and Mel Gibson in the VCR. Her latest novel was on the top of the New York Best Seller's List. She was thankful for her career but one of the reasons she became a writer was because she liked to work alone. She still wasn't used to the crowds, the flashing cameras and the cramp in her hand from signing her name so many times.

She had just settled down on the couch when there was a knock on the door. Kate got up and walked to it. "Who is it?" She called looking through the peephole.

"Flower delivery."

Kate opened the door and was greeted by a huge bouquet of cut wild flowers. "Oh my!"

"Happy birthday, Ms. Roberts." Someone peaked out from behind them.

"Thank you." She exclaimed reaching for the vase. She stopped suddenly and looked at who was holding them. "Oh my god, you're Mick…" She fainted.

"Man, I hate it when they faint." Micky laughed a little and set the flowers down. He picked her up in his arms, carried her inside and laid her down on the couch. He sat down next to her and brushed the hair out of her face. "Kate, wake up, darlin'."

Kate slowly blinked her eyes open and found herself starring directly into Micky's eyes. "This has got to be a dream."

"Nope." Micky shook his head. "How do you feel?"

"Lightheaded and really confused." She rubbed her eyes. "What are you doing here?"

"I heard it was your birthday and since I'm a fan, I thought this would be a great way to meet you." He helped her sit up.

"You're a fan of mine?" Her eyes grew wide. "I'm a huge fan of yours."

"Well, it seems that we have something in common already." He winked. "Would you have dinner with me tonight?"

"I'd like that." She blushed a little and then looked down at the Metallica shirt she was wearing. "Um…just let me go change first."


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