~Hold On Girl - Part 2~

"Micky Dolenz of the Monkees and best selling author Kate Roberts were seen last night having dinner at a popular Hollywood restaurant." The reporter for Entertainment Tonight flashed a smile into the camera while separate pictures of Micky and Kate were shown behind her. "It is not known how long they have known each other, but we did hear that they looked quite cozy and held hands on the way out of the restaurant."

"This is how rumors get started." Kate clicked off the television. "I'm surprised they didn't bribe the waiter to find out what we had to eat."

"Don't knock it, Kay. Any publicity is good publicity." Violet Mire, her long-time friend and agent, exclaimed. "Think of what will happen if you start dating him."

"I am not about to start dating Micky to further my career." She stated.

"The man just oozes sex." Violet gushed. "And if it helps your career, where's the harm?"

"Because someone always gets hurt." Kate said sadly.

"Not every relationship ends up that way." Violet reminded her.

"I don't want to talk about this anymore, so I'm changing the subject." Kate smiled. "Is there any other reason you came here or was it just to bug me."

"Yes, one of the big book store chains has invited you to do a reading and signing session next week." Violet put her reading glasses on suddenly becoming very business-like. "I know how you feel about these kind of appearances, but it would do great things for the book. The fans will absolutely go insane."

"I'll do it only because I don't want to argue with you for the next two hours." Kate sighed.

"You are my gem, Kay! And now I'll get out of your hair." Violet hugged her. "Oh, just in case ET stops by my office later, what did you have to eat?" She let out a roaring laugh.

"You're impossible, you know." Kate tried not to giggle but couldn't help it. "Absolutely impossible."


Later that afternoon, Kate answered the door and was greeted by another huge bouquet of flowers. "This is becoming a habit, Dolenz." She smiled.

"A good one, I hope." Micky smiled and handed her the flowers. "I've come to take you to dinner and this time, I promise ET will not be there." He laughed. "Although that was a great picture they showed of you."

"Thanks for the offer, but I don't think this is a good idea." Kate set the flowers down on the coffee table.

"What's not a good idea…having dinner or inviting Entertainment Tonight to join us?" He winked.

Kate giggled a little and then looked at him seriously. "Having dinner. I had a really nice time last night but I think we should just be friends."

Micky snapped his fingers. "Damn, now what am I going to do with that wedding dress I bought for you?" He laughed.

"Excuse me?" She exclaimed.

"Just kidding." He walked over to her and took her hands. "Look, I'm not proposing marriage or anything else, I just want to have dinner with you."

She looked up at him and smiled, then nodded. "Just remember, no ET and no proposals."

"I promise." He held up his hand and smiled.


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