~Hold On Girl - Part 6~

Micky woke up very early the next morning. He reached out for Kate and found she wasn't there. He pulled on his jeans and wandered out of the bedroom. He walked to her office and stood at the door watching her type frantically at her computer. "Katie?"

"Hey." She quickly glanced at him over her shoulder then turned back to the screen. "There's coffee in the kitchen."

"What are you doing up so early?" He walked over and leaned against the desk. "Its still dark out."

"I couldn't sleep." She continued to type. "Besides, I need to get this first draft done by next week."

"Is anything wrong?" He placed his hand on her shoulder.

"Of course not." She answered distracted. "I just need to work."

"Okay." He stood up. "I'll let you work then." He left the room convinced she was not telling him the truth.

Kate waited until the door was shut and then stopped typing. She put her head in her hands. "I don't want to fall in love with you Dolenz." She whispered to herself. "But it's too late."


A week later, Lars called Kate and she agreed to meet him for coffee and talk. She felt more secure in her relationship with Micky and decided that being in love with him wasn't a bad thing at all. And, according to the signals she was getting from him, she was pretty sure he was in love with her too.

"Hi, baby." Lars greeted her with a kiss on the cheek. "I'm glad you agreed to meet me."

"What did you want to talk about?" Kate sat down at the table.

"Us." He saw the look of hesitation in her eyes. "I'm sorry I hurt you. I should have told you that a long time ago." He reached across the table and took her hands in his own. "I know there's no way you'll come back to me but I want us to be friends. I miss you, I miss talking to you."

"I miss talking to you too." He gave his hands a squeeze.

"Can we try to be friends?" He asked.

"I would like that and so would Micky. He's a big fan of you guys." She smiled.

"You really love him, don't you?" He looked at her sadly.

"Yeah, I do." She beamed. "We're good together."

"I'm happy for you, baby." He gave a look of acceptance. "He's a lucky man."


Over the next couple of months, Kate and Micky grew closer and Lars was becoming a trusted friend to them both. Micky even sat in on a few jam sessions with the band and he was planning on directing their next video. Kate's latest novel was still high on the New York best seller's list and she had turned in her new manuscript to her publisher a week early.

Kate waited for Micky to pick her up one Saturday night. They were supposed to attend a charity function. She was dressed in a long black gown that he had helped pick out. When he was a few minutes late, she thought nothing of it figuring the traffic was bad. But when he was over an hour late, she became worried. She finally called his house, pacing back and forth waiting for him to answer the phone.

"Hello." A woman answered the phone.

"Yes, is Micky there?" Kate asked not recognizing the woman's voice.

"He can't come to the phone right now." The woman answered in a snotty tone. "Who is this?"

"This is his girlfriend, Kate. Who's this?" Kate shot right back.

"I'm a very close friend, very close." She hung up.


Kate showed up at Lars' house an hour later still wearing the gown and carrying a half-empty bottle of rum.

"Kate!" Lars exclaimed opening the door. "I thought you and Mick had that charity thing tonight."

"Ha!" She walked through the door after taking a swig from the bottle. "He never showed up and when I called some woman answered the phone. She said she was a very close friend and then hung up."

"How much of that have you had?" He asked.

"Not enough." She flopped down on the couch and took a long drink. "What's wrong with me, Lars? Why do people I love keep hurting me?" Tears streamed down her face.

"Nothing is wrong with you, baby." He sat down and wrapped his arms around her. "Besides, you don't know what was happening at Micky's house. I'm sure there is a logical explanation."

"There is only one explanation and you know exactly what it is." She scowled, pushing him away and taking another drink from the bottle. "He's sleeping with someone else."

"Micky loves you." Lars took the bottle away from her. "And you've had enough of this."

"How do you know he loves me? He's never told me." She reached for the bottle again but he kept it out of her grasp.

"I know he does just by the way he looks at you. He's crazy about you." He explained.

"You loved me once too." She whispered dropping her head in her hands.

"Yes and I hurt you. I was wrong." He stroked her hair.

"I know a way you could make it up to me." She flirted, leaning over and nuzzling his neck. "Make love to me, Lars."

"Oh, baby, there's nothing I would rather do." He held her shoulders at arm length. "And if you weren't in love with someone else, I would."

"Fine!" She stormed and stood up. "I'm leaving!" She staggered towards the door.

"No, you're not." He stood and grabbed her arm. "You're in no condition to go anywhere." He picked her up in his arms and carried her upstairs.

"Put me down!!" She ordered, lashing about in his arms.

"You need to sleep it off." He set her down on the bed in the spare guestroom. "Everything will be better in the morning."

"Lars?" She whispered in a drunken sleepy voice.

"What, baby?" He took her shoes off and covered her with a blanket.

"I love him." She closed her eyes and passed out.

"I know you do." He kissed her softly on the cheek and left the room.


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