~Lady's Baby - Part 2~

Micky worked on setting up his drums and watching the crowd file into the Vincent. He was beginning to think that Elizabeth wasn’t going to show up when she walked in the door. She wore a light blue mini-dress with matching go-go boots and her hair was pulled back. She waved and walked towards the stage.

“Is that her?” Davy whistled. “She’s a knockout.”

Micky shot him a dirty look. “Hands off.” He ordered and then jumped off the sage and went to her. “Hi.” He smiled and took both of her hands in his. “You look nice.”

“Thank you.” She blushed.

“I saved you a table up in front.” He led her to the table and pulled out the chair.

Mike came up and tapped him on the shoulder. “Mick, the manager wants us to start.”

“Okay, Mike, I’ll be right there.” He looked back at Elizabeth. “I’ll be back when we take a break.”

“I’ll be here.” She smiled shyly.


Elizabeth watched the Monkees perform and was glad she had decided to come. It had been such a long time since she had been on a date she had forgotten how nice it could be.

During their first break, the jukebox played and Micky asked her to dance. It was a slow song so he held her close. At first, she felt anything but comfortable, but as he softly sang in her ear, she relaxed and seemed to melt in his arms.

Micky looked down at her. He wanted to kiss her but she had that guarded look in her eyes again and he decided to wait until she was ready. Instead, he gently touched her face. “Our break is over. Can I walk you home after the show?”

“I would like that.” She answered before thinking. “But you really don’t have to.” She continued quickly.

“I wouldn’t have asked if I didn’t want to.” He smiled. “I’ll see you in a little bit.” He went back up on stage.


After the gig, Micky helped the guys load the equipment into the Monkeemobile and then he walked Elizabeth home. “Did you enjoy the show?” He asked.

“Yes. You guys are really good. How long have you been playing together?” She replied.

“About a year.” He answered and lightly took her hand. “We play at the Vincent almost every Friday night. We’re saving our money to record a demo tape.”

“And you all live together too? You must have a big place.”

“Actually, it’s a dump.” He laughed. “But its home. I share a room with Mike and then Peter and Davy share the other room. Okay, enough about me. What about you?”

“What do you want to know?” She asked nervously.

“How old you are? Where do you work? What your favorite color is? You know, the general stuff.” He gave her hand a squeeze.

Relieved, she answered, “I’m 21, my favorite color is blue and I’m a waitress at that diner you wanted to take me to yesterday.”

“You’re kidding?” He chuckled.

“Nope, I just started working there a couple of weeks ago.” She laughed.

They continued walking and talking and Micky noticed that Elizabeth was only answering the questions asked and being very mysterious about her past. He wondered why but didn’t push the issue because he really liked her and didn’t want to scare her off.

“This is where I live.” They stopped on the sidewalk outside of a small white house. “Thanks for walking me home.”

“When can I see you again?” He asked still holding her hand.

“Soon, I hope.” She smiled. “I work the lunch shift at the diner, but you can call me.” She took a piece of paper out of her purse and wrote down her telephone number.

“I’ll call you tomorrow.” He stuck the paper in his pocket and then bent his head and kissed her lips softly. “Good night, Beth.”

“Good night.” She walked up the sidewalk slowly and waved to him before going inside.


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