~Lady's Baby - Part 3~

Elizabeth walked into the house and put her purse down on the table. “So, how did it go?” Her sister, Kelly, set the book she was reading down.

“Good.” Elizabeth smiled. “He’s a nice guy. How was everything here?”

“Fine, as always.” Kelly crossed her legs Indian-style. “Are you going to see him again?”

“Maybe…I don’t know.” Elizabeth sighed. “I don’t think it’s a good idea that I get involved with anyone right now.”

“Then when, Liz?” Kelly huffed. “You’ve been saying that for two years now. Its time you let go and move on with your life.”

“I know you’re right.” She sat down next to her sister. “But I’m scared.”

“Of what? You said this Micky is a nice guy. That’s nothing to be scared of.” She gave her a hug.

“But what about…” Elizabeth started.

“For once, don’t worry about that and live a little.” Kelly suggested.

“Maybe you’re right.” Elizabeth smiled.

“Of course, I am.” Kelly laughed. “I’m always right.”


Micky called Elizabeth the next morning. He asked her out for that evening, but she suggested that he come over a little early because she had something to tell him and that’s all she would say. Micky spent the rest of the day wondering what she had to tell him because she had sounded so serious on the phone.


Micky knocked on the door late that afternoon. He was expecting Elizabeth to answer it what he didn’t expect was that she would be holding a two-year old child in her arms.

“Hi.” He smiled. “Is this your baby brother?”

“No, Mick.” She looked at the child. “This is my son, Nathan.”


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