~Lady's Baby - Part 5~

Over the next few weeks, Micky and Elizabeth spent all of their free time together. They would take Nathan to the beach or the park, and when Kelly could baby-sit; they would spend time alone. It was important to Elizabeth that she get to know Micky’s roommates because she got the distinct impression that Davy and Mike didn’t trust her. Peter, on the other hand, was always kind to her. He even offered to baby-sit for Nathan.

Micky was falling in love with Elizabeth. But, he was also cautious about relieving his feelings. The things Davy had said kept creeping back into his mind. He knew he was in no way ready to get married to anyone much less become an instant father. He had nothing to offer a wife and until the Monkees made it, he couldn’t take on that responsibility, no matter how much he loved her and her son. And he did love Nathan. He was a bright and happy kid, and Micky loved being with him.

Elizabeth was also falling in love with Micky. She didn’t expect anything from him; she just enjoyed being with him. She knew it couldn’t last and figured it was only a matter of time because he left her just the way Nathan’s father had. The only problem this time was trying to mend two broken hearts…hers and Nathan’s.


“What do you want to do today?” Micky asked Nathan as the two of them played on the floor.

“Beach!!” Nathan exclaimed happily.

Micky could help but laugh at Nathan’s excitement. “Guess we should ask your mommy then.” He looked over at Elizabeth and winked. “Nate wants to go to the beach. What do you think?”

“Well…I don’t know.” She teased.

“Please mommy?!” He looked from her to him and back again, his little eyes pleading.

“I guess so.” Elizabeth laughed and hugged him tightly when he flew himself into her arms and then to his room to get his beach toys.

Micky crawled over to the chair she was sitting in and placed a hand on either side of her. “Later, you and I are going out alone.”

“I like that idea.” She leaned forward and kissed him deeply.


Micky and Elizabeth sat on the beach towel and watched Nathan run around in the sand. “I want to go in the water.”

“Let’s go then.” Micky kissed Elizabeth quickly on the lips and then picked Nathan up and ran into the surf.

She leaned back on her hands and laughed watching Nathan splash Micky in the face. They ran through the water, splashing and laughing. If Nathan fell down, Micky would pick him up and brush him off, then tousle his hair. They came running up the beach towards her and before she could knew it, they tackled her.

“Stop it!” She laughed and squirmed. “You’re all wet and sandy.”

“And now so are you.” Micky laughed, brushing the sand off her legs.

“Can we build a sandcastle, daddy?” Nathan asked pulling Micky’s hand.

Both Elizabeth and Micky stopped and looked at each other then back at Nathan. “Honey, this isn’t your daddy.” She tried to explain.

“Daddy…” Nathan jumped on Micky’s lap hugging him tightly.

“I just remembered that we have a gig tonight.” Micky quickly picked him up and set him on the blanket next to Elizabeth. “I should go.” He stood up.

“Well, if you have to go, you have to go.” Elizabeth brought Nathan into her lap and looked up at him, tears stinging her eyes.

“Good bye.” He stroked her face gently and then walked away.


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