~Lady's Baby - Part 6~

“Mick, you’ve been moping around here for three days.” Mike patted him on the shoulder. “What happened, man?”

“I don’t want to talk about it.” Mick shrugged him off.

“Too bad.” He sat down next to him. “Out with it.”

“Nathan called me daddy.” He sighed. “He crawled into my lap, hugged me and called me daddy. And you know what I did?”

“What?” Mike asked gently.

“I left.” He stood and paced. “I just got up and left. I didn’t even look back.”

“Do you love her?” Mike watched him pace back and forth.

“Yes…yes, I do. And I love Nathan. I wish he was my son.” He rubbed his eyes with the heels of his hands. “But you were right, I can’t take on that kind of responsibility. I have nothing to offer either of them.”

“Has she asked you for anything?” Mike reasoned.

“No. But what about what Davy said? He said that she’s looking for a husband and a father for Nate.”

“Davy is an idiot.” Mike scowled. “He doesn’t know what women want. From what I’ve seen, you and Elizabeth are good together. Don’t loose that.”


Micky stood outside the front door for what seemed like forever waiting for someone to answer the door. When Elizabeth opened it, he felt his heart stop and his throat go dust dry. “Hi, Beth.” His voice cracked.

“Hello.” She regarded him coldly.

“We have to talk.” He reached out to take her hand but dropped it when she pulled away.

“We have nothing to talk about.” She stared at him. “You made your feelings perfectly clear the other day.”

“No, I didn’t.” This time he did touch her, taking her shoulders in his hands. “Beth, I love you.”


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