~Lady's Baby - Part 7~

“You love me?” Elizabeth stared at him in disbelief.

“Yes, Beth, I love you.” Micky said again, his eyes pleading with her. “Please let me explain.”

She shrugged his hands off her shoulders. “I don’t want to hear any more of this.”

“Well, I do.” Kelly stood behind her with her arms crossed.

“Kelly, stay out of this!” Elizabeth snapped.

“No, I will not.” She looked back at Micky with kind eyes. “Please explain, Mick.”

Micky looked at Elizabeth and when she didn’t object, he spoke. “When Nathan called me daddy the other day, I panicked. I thought about all the things I wanted to give him. All the things I wanted to give you. All the things I couldn’t give either of you, at least not now.”

“I don’t understand.” She said softly.

“I’m an out of work drummer most of the time. I live in a crowded dump with three other guys. That’s not a proper place for a family.”

“A family…what family?” She asked with a catch in her voice.

“Our family…you, me and Nate.” He linked his fingers with hers. “I want to be Nathan’s daddy. I want to be your husband. But I can’t do that now. In fact, I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to do it. I don’t know if the band will ever make it, but I have to stick with it. I have to try.”

“Micky, I…” She started.

“Please, Beth, let me finish.” He held up his hand. “Because I love you, I can’t ask you to wait for me or the band to make it big. I want you to find someone who can take care of you and Nathan.”

“How dare you!” She threw up her hands furiously. “I don’t need you or anyone else to take care of Nathan and me. We have been doing just fine by ourselves.” She poked him in the chest. “And if I were in love with you, even if you are a big jerk, it would not mean that I am looking to get married.”

“You’re in love with me?” His eyes widened and he captured the hand that was still poking him in the chest and held it.

“Yes.” She looked down. “But you’re still a big jerk.”

He raised her chin and kissed her quickly before she had time to protest. When she melted against him, he smiled. “I love you, Beth and someday I am going to marry you.” He whispered in her ear.

“I love you too, Mick and someday I might let you.” She giggled and then kissed him before he had time to protest.



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