~Just A Game - Part 2~

Tasmyn, Micky and Peter spent the afternoon walking the boardwalk. They stopped in all the shops, played a couple of slot machines and ate enough saltwater taffy and fudge for an army. They went back to the hotel in time for everyone to shower and change for the show that night.

Tasmyn was ready before the guys were so she went down to the lounge to make sure the equipment, lighting and sound were set up for the show. The Tiffany Lounge was set in the middle of the main casino. It was a big open space decorated with trees holding thousands of white Christmas lights. Gold railings separated the lounge from the casino and mirrors lined the walls. There were small cocktail tables with soft rounded maroon chairs for the audience to sit in. It had the feeling of a small club even though a huge casino with blinking lights and loud gaming machines surrounded it.

By the time the guys arrived for the show, the lounge was packed. The patrons ranged from people who were Monkee fans to people who just wanted to sit down for a drink and enjoy some music. Either way, Tasmyn didn’t care. It was a good turn out and that was exactly what she was hoping for. The Monkees had been gone from the music scene for a number of years and they needed as much exposure as they could get.

She stood with them behind the stage as they waited for the manager of the lounge to introduce them. By the time they were introduced, she had butterflies in her stomach that felt more like rocket ships. The band started with “Last Train to Clarksville” and some of their older tunes and then playing their latest. She calmed down after hearing the crowd singing along with them and they great reception they were receiving. When it was over, they had done three unplanned encores and had been on stage over two hours.


After signing autographs and taking pictures with some of the fans, they went back to Tasmyn’s suite. She ordered room service and they sat around talking about the show. One by one they left to go back to their own rooms until it was only Tasmyn and Micky left.

“Do you realize that you haven’t stopped smiling since the show ended?” Micky laughed.

“I know.” She giggled taking a sip of champagne. “It was incredible watching you guys up there on that stage and watching the way the audience responded to you. I was more than your manager tonight, I was a fan.”

“It felt good to be up there. We’ve had so many problems in the past, I wasn’t sure that we would make it back this time.” He looked at her and smiled. “You had a lot to do with that.”

“All I did was make the arrangements, you guys did the rest.” She blushed.

“We couldn’t have done it without you.” He clinked their glasses together and then drained his. “I should get some sleep.”

“Okay, don’t forget the photo shoot in the morning.” She walked him to the door.

“I won’t.” His eyes locked with hers and then he softly kissed her cheek. “Good night Tas.”

She held her cheek where he had kissed her after he left. She had butterflies in her stomach again. “It must be the champagne.” She said to herself.


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