~Just A Game - Part 4~

The band had the next day off so they each spent it doing their own thing. Michael played in the casino and Davy and Peter decided to do some sightseeing. Tasmyn had planned to spend the day in her room going over the books when there was a knock on the door. She opened it and was greeted by Micky. His arms were full of beach equipment, including an umbrella, a cooler and a blanket.

“Hi Tas.” He smiled. “Get your suit on and come to the beach with me.”

She held open the door so he could walk in. “I’ve got a lot of work to do.”

He set everything down on the floor. “You can’t stay locked up in here all day. Work can wait.”

“Really, Mick, I would love to go but I just can’t.” She looked disappointed.

“Yes, you can.” He went into her bathroom and brought a couple of towels throwing them with the rest of the stuff. “Besides, I’m not gonna take no for an answer.”

“Alright.” She laughed. “Give me a minute to change.”


They found a quiet spot on the beach. Micky set up the umbrella and Tasmyn laid out the blanket. “What a beautiful day.” She sighed happily and sat down on the blanket. “I’m glad I changed my mind.”

“Me too.” Micky winked and held out his hand to her. “Wanna go for a swim?”

“Sure.” She took his hand and they ran down to the water together. She walked into the ocean up to her knees and was gently splashing water on her arms when she felt herself being picked up and hurled into the water. She came up spurting and spitting water and glared at Micky. “You’re gonna pay for that!”

“Gotta catch me first.” He playfully stuck his tongue out at her before swimming away.

She swam after him and finally caught his foot pulling him under. He swam underwater behind her and grabbed her around the waist. She squealed trying to get away from him but he kept his arms locked around her. “Let me go!” She was laughing and splashing.

He laughed and finally loosened his grip setting her on her feet. She turned around in his arms facing him. Their eyes locked as she looked up at him. He felt the goosebumps forming on her arms. “Are you cold?” He asked softly.

“A little.” She couldn’t tear her eyes away from his gaze.

Micky wanted to kiss her, to taste her lips. And he knew that one kiss wouldn’t be enough. He cupped her cheek with his hand and ran his thumb over her lips. He bent his head moving closer and felt her arms slipping around his neck. Their lips touched softly at first and then the kiss grew deeper. The waves crashed against them as they lost themselves in each other.

Micky reluctantly pulled away and rubbed his hands up and down her arms. “We should get out of this cold water.”

She nodded and they walked hand-in-hand back to the blanket. They dried off and then sat down. She looked over at him and noticed he was staring at her. “What?” She blushed.

“Would you like to have dinner with me tonight?” He smiled.

She returned his smile, “Yes, I would.”


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