~Just A Game - Part 5~

Micky stood in the lobby of the hotel waiting for Tasmyn. He checked his watch again and took a deep breath trying to coax the nervousness away. He swore at himself for being nervous in the first place. After all, this was only a date. He had been on dozens of dates with dozens of girls so why should this one be any different. Because this was Tasmyn, he thought to himself. Someone who was beautiful, sexy, intelligent. Someone who made his throat dry and his heart race. Someone who he was beginning to care about more that he ever thought he could.

He saw her step off the elevator. She seemed to almost glide across the lobby, the ruby red dress she wore clinging to her in all the right places. Her golden hair was swept up with long strands curling around her face. She saw him and felt her stomach flip flop. He looked incredible in the black suit and charcoal shirt he wore.

“Very nice.” He smiled and put his hand on the small of her back guiding her outside.

“Thank you.” She blushed feeling her entire body tingle at his touch.


They dined at a small intimate restaurant in one of the hotels nearby. Over candlelight and wine they held hands and talked and then he asked her dance. He held her close as they swayed to the music. Her body melted against his and she looked up into his eyes. He slowly bent his head and kissed her. “I want you.” He whispered against her lips.

She felt her knees weaken at hearing his words. “Let’s go back to the hotel.” She whispered back.


Peter spotted Micky and Tasmyn as soon as they walked into the lobby of the Tropicana. “Where have you been?” He asked running up to them.

“We went out for dinner.” Tasmyn answered. “Pete, what’s wrong? You look worried.”

“Its Michael.” He looked at Micky. “He lost a lot of money playing poker tonight. A lot of money.” He stated. “He’s pissed off and has been drinking.”

“Nez has been drunk before.” Micky said casually.

“No, Mick, not like this.” Peter said seriously. “He’s really bad.”

“Okay, I’ll go talk to him.” He put his hand on Peter’s shoulder.

“Maybe I should go with you.” Tasmyn looked at Micky.

“No, Tas, I’ll take care of him.” He smiled taking both of her hands in his. “Will you wait for me in your room?”

“Yes.” She smiled.

He kissed her palms and then her lips. “I’ll be there as soon as I can.”

Peter waited until Micky had walked away before he grabbed Tasmyn by the shoulders. “I have to talk to you.”

“Okay, what’s up?” She smiled.

“Its about Micky.” He led her over to the lobby’s sitting area and they sat down.

“What about him?”

“Look, he’s one of my best friends and I love him like a brother, but I don’t want to see you get hurt.” He explained. “Since his divorce, he has been with a lot of woman.”

“I don’t understand.” She looked at him questionably.

“He wines and dines them, gets them into bed and then he dumps them.” Peter said matter-of-factly. “I don’t want to see that happen to you. Not only because it would hurt you, but because of the band. We’ve got a good thing going here and I don’t want to see it ruined because of a one-night stand.”

“I appreciate your concern, Peter.” She put her hand on his arm. “But it’s not like that between us. I really care about him and he cares about me too.”

“No, Tas, he doesn’t. At least not the way you want him to.” Peter put his hand over hers. “He wants you to think that so he can get you into bed. I’ve seen him do this before. It’s just a game to him.”


Tasmyn went to her room and thought about what Peter had said. It was true that she had heard the rumors about Micky’s personal life. She had always thought that they were just rumors but after was Peter had said she was beginning to think there was some truth to them. She was falling hard for Micky but the band had to come first. She couldn’t let her personal feelings invade her professional obligations.


Tasmyn opened the door when Micky knocked. “How’s Michael?”

“He’ll have a good hangover in the morning.” He chuckled. “I stayed with him until he passed out. Can I come in?”

“No.” She said softly.

“Why?” He asked gently.

“I don’t think we should see each other anymore outside the band.” She managed to hold the tears back.

“Wait, Tasmyn, please. Did I do something wrong?” His eyes pleaded with her.

“I can’t get involved with you no matter how much I care about you.” She replied. “Peter and I had a long talk. The band has to come first. Good night, Micky.” She shut the door.


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