~Just A Game - Part 6~

Micky banged on Peter’s door. “Hold your horses, I’m coming.” Peter threw on a robe before opening it. “Hey Mick.”

“Don’t hey Mick me!” Micky pushed past him into the room. “What did you say to her?”


“Okay, that innocent thing worked on the show 30 years ago, don’t try to pull it now.” He stormed. “What did you say to Tasmyn?”

“I told her the truth about you.” Peter defended.

“The truth. What truth?” He threw his arms up.

“I told her about your little habit of dumping everyone you sleep with.” He answered.

“How could you do that?!” He exclaimed.

“Because its true. And because I thought it would be best for the band.” He explained. “You would have dumped her and then what would happen to the band. We’ve got a good thing going here. Things are starting to happen for us again and she’s a huge part of that success.”

“I wouldn’t have dumped her.” Micky said softly. “I care about her more than I ever thought I could. Damn it, Peter, I’m falling in love with her.”

“You’re what?” His mouth dropped open.

“Yeah, it surprised me too.” He sat down on the bed and was quiet for a moment. “Maybe you did me a favor. I probably would have ended up hurting her and that’s the last thing I want to do.”

“Mick…” Peter started.

“I gotta go.” He stood and left quickly.


Tasmyn sat in the middle of the bed with her knees drawn up and her arms wrapped around them. She thought about how hurt Micky had looked when she told him that she couldn’t see him anymore. She was hurting too. She wanted to be with him so much. She was in love with him but she needed to believe that she had made the right decision. She lay down on the bed and cried herself to sleep.


The next day at rehearsal, Peter watched Micky and Tasmyn. They both looked so lost and sad. They tried to stay out of each other’s way making the tension even thicker. He also wanted to believe that he had made the right decision in telling Tasmyn about Micky’s past, but after taking to Micky the night before, he wasn’t so sure. Maybe he had been wrong.


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