~Just A Game - Part 7~

Tasmyn watched the band play that night with a heavy heart. Every time Micky looked at her she felt her heart break and melt at the same time. She wondered how she would be able to continue being their manager because of her feelings for him. She looked up on the stage at him again and felt the tears stinging her eyes.

Peter saw them watching each other and could see the silent tears Tasmyn cried before she ran back stage. He looked back at Micky and could see the pained look on his face as he also watched her run away. He knew then that he would have to fix what he had done.


After the show that night, Tasmyn quickly left for her room. But Peter was able to catch Micky before he had a chance to do the same. “You have to come with me.” He stated firmly.

“Peter, I want to be alone.” Micky dodged around him.

“After you come with me.” He grabbed his arm and half-dragged him to the elevator and pushed the button for Tasmyn’s floor.

They walked down the hall towards her room when suddenly Micky stopped realizing where they were going. “I don’t want to see her.”

“Yes, you do.” Peter grabbed his arm again. “I want to fix this.”

“I already told you that what you did was probably for the best.” He said.

“No, it wasn’t.” They stopped in front of her door and Peter knocked.

Tasmyn looked through the peephole and sighed heavily. She opened the door slowly. “What do you want?”

“We need to talk.” Peter gave a soft smile. “May we come in, please?”

She answered by holding the door open for them. “I really don’t feel like talking.”

“That is my fault.” Peter confessed. “This whole mess is my fault.”

“Peter, please don’t do this.” Micky looked at him.

“I have to.” He smiled. “You two belong together.” He took Tasmyn by the shoulders. “Tas, I have made a terrible mistake.”

“I don’t understand.” She responded.

“What I told you about Micky last night was wrong. He might have done those things in the past, but its different with you. He cares about you very much.” He gave her shoulders a gentle squeeze and then went to Micky. “Don’t let her go.” He smiled and then left quickly leaving them alone.


Micky and Tasmyn stood in silence looking at each other. “I’m not sure what to say.” She said softly.

“I do care about you…very much.” He took her hands in his own. “More than I ever thought I would.”

“I care about you too.” She looked up at him. “But what if we start something and then it ends badly? I have to think about the band.”

“I can’t give you any guarantees about where this relationship will go, but I would like the chance to find out.” He led her over to the bed and they sat down facing each other. “Since my divorce, I didn’t want to care about anyone. And then I met you. I have changed. I’m not that bitter person anymore. Please give me a chance, give us a chance.”

“I know you have changed. I never should have doubted you in the first place.” She kissed him softly.

He wrapped his arms around her, pulling her closer as their kiss turned hungry. “I love you, Tas.” He whispered against her lips.

“I love you too.” She looked into his eyes and smiled.



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