~Sweet Young Thing - Part 1~

She was a woman on a mission. She had a series of purposes outlined carefully in her mind. She would find the perfect place to live, become a successful writer and get her man. She had moved from Texas to California to fulfill these goals. At 20, Renee Beck didn’t have much life experience, but she was smart, stubborn and determined.

She walked up Beechwood to the address she had written on the piece of paper in her hand. After smoothing out her hair and her skirt, she walked up to the door and knocked firmly. She waited and then smiled brightly at the tall light-haired man who answered the door. “Hi! I’m looking for Michael Nesmith.”

“Come in.” His smile came easily. “Mike, there’s someone here to see you.” He yelled up the winding staircase.

“Be right there.” Mike yelled back and then emerged from the bedroom. He was half way down the stairs when he stopped suddenly. “Ray?”

“Hi Michael.” Renee felt her stomach drop at seeing him. He was just the way she remembered him, just the way she had been dreaming about him.

“I can’t believe you’re here.” He quickly went to her and threw his arms around her in a big brotherly hug, only the feel of her against him felt nothing brother-like. She was soft and firm and very much not the little girl he had known before. “You’ve grown up.” He let her go and took one solid step back.

“That tends to happen in 5 years.” She giggled.

Someone behind Mike cleared his throat. “Aren’t you going to introduce us?”

Mike whirled around, clearly flustered. “Yeah…sure. Renee Beck, these are my roommates, Micky Dolenz, Peter Tork and Davy Jones. Guys, this is Renee, she’s an old friend from home.”

“Its nice to meet you.” Renee smiled at them.

“So, what are you doing here, Ray?” Mike took her arm gently and led her to the couch.

“I’m moving here.” She sat down next to him. “That is as soon as I find an apartment. Right now I’m staying at the Beverly Hills Hilton.”

“You’re moving here?” Mike exclaimed. “I don’t think that’s a good idea. I mean, after all this is a big city. Its nothing like home.”

“That’s the idea.” She replied. “Nothing is ever going to happen at home. I want to be a writer. I’ve already turned in my first manuscript and I have a meeting with a publisher on Monday.”

“You come by that honestly.” He chuckled. “But still, this is not the place for a small town country girl.”

“I’m not a little girl anymore, Michael.” She stated firmly. “I should get back to the hotel. Let me take you to dinner tonight.”

“You don’t have to do that.” He answered.

“It will give us more time to catch up.” She stood and headed towards the door. “Wear a suit and tie, I’ll pick you at seven.”


“Beck…” Micky exclaimed after Renee had left. “Not Beck as in Arthur Beck, the famous science fiction writer.”

“Yes. She’s his daughter.” Mike explained.

“Wow!” Davy whistled. “She’s not only beautiful, but rich too.”

“How did you meet her?” Peter asked.

“Her mom and my mom are friends. We kinda grew up together until I came out here. She was only 15 when I left.” Mike told them.

“You better get ready for your date.” Micky chuckled.

“It’s not a date!” Mike stated.

“Yeah, sure, mate.” Davy chuckled. “Whatever you say.”


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