~Sweet Young Thing - Part 2~

Nothing could have prepared Mike for the way Renee looked when he opened the door. She was absolutely stunning and incredibly sexy. She wore a snug little dress the color of ripe cherries and her chestnut hair was swept up showing too much of her slender neck and smooth shoulders. He instantly put his hands in his pockets in an attempt to fight the urge of grabbing and kissing her hard on that pouty mouth.

“Hi!” Her smile came easily. “You look very handsome.”

He tugged at his tie. “I don’t see why we have to get dressed up just to have dinner.”

“Because its fun.” She slipped her arm through his and together they walked outside.

“What is that?” Mike stopped and stared at the limo waiting in front of the house.

“It’s a limo, silly.” She giggled. “And before you say anything…because it’s also fun.”


The restaurant Renee had chosen for dinner was small and elegant. Over wine and steaks, she told him everything that was happening back home. They talked and laughed about things they did when they were kids. She told him about the book and he told her about the band. The conversation was easy and comfortable but Mike was having a hard time concentrating. Maybe it was the wine or the candlelight, but he couldn’t take his eyes off of her. He was trying to remember that this was the girl he grew up with, the girl who used to follow him around and be a pest. But she wasn’t that little girl anymore; she was a woman.


Mike requested that the limo take Renee back to the hotel first before taking him home. He wanted to make sure she got back safely. While the limo waited, he walked her to her room.

“Do you want to come in?” She asked shyly.

“Umm…no.” He fumbled. “We have to rehearse in the morning. Good night, Ray.”

He bent to kiss her cheek and was quite surprised when she turned her head so that the kiss landed directly on her mouth. He tried to pull away but her lips were so soft and her taste so sweet he had to have more. Soon he had her backed up against the door, his hands roaming up and down her back. Her skin was on fire from his touch and a small moan escaped her throat.

“I’m sorry.” Mike pulled away quickly. “I shouldn’t have done that.”

“I want you to kiss me, Michael, and touch me.” Her voice was husky. “I want your hands on me.”

“No, Ray, we can’t.” He ran his hand through his hair in frustration. “It wouldn’t be right. I won’t touch you again. Things have to go back to the way they were.”

A slow sexy smile came across her lips. “Things will never be the same way again.”


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