~Oh What A Night - Part 2~

They walked hand-in-hand down the pier to Connie’s, an outdoor pizza café. Amber wondered if he was ever going to tell her his name even though she already knew who he was. They sat down at a table overlooking the lake. After ordering a large cheese, sausage and pepperoni pizza and a couple of beers, he asked, “So, what brings you to the pier today, Amber?”

“I’m here to see a concert.” She took a sip of her beer.

“Oh really?” His smile came easily. “What concert?”

“The Teen Idols.” She looked at him over the rim of her glass waiting to see his reaction and was only partially disappointed when he just kept on grinning. She laughed a little and set her glass down. “And what brings you here today?”

“Business.” He answered simply and was almost relieved that the pizza came at that moment. He was very attracted to the woman sitting across the table from him. Her eyes entranced him and he wanted nothing more than to run his hands through her curls. But he also had to be realistic. He could not get involved in a relationship at this point in his life. Between touring and other business deals, he barely had time to keep up with his family, much less have a personal life.

They continued with small talk and a little flirting through lunch and then slowly walked back to where they had met. “Thank you for lunch.” Amber looked up at him.

“And thank you for joining me.” He took her hand in his and brought it to his lips, kissing it gently. “I’m sorry I have to rush off like this.”

“I understand.” She gave his hand a squeeze knowing where he was going. Show time was just about an hour away.

“I hope you have a good time at the concert tonight.” He slowly let go of her hand.

“I’m sure I will.” She smiled.


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