~Oh What A Night - Part 3~

Amber ran back to the café before the concert. It cost her five bucks, but she managed to bribe the hostess into giving her one of the menus. She walked back to the Skyline Stage where the concert was being held, showed her ticket and went inside. After buying a Diet Coke at the concession stand, she went to her front row seat.

It wasn’t long before a local radio personality came out on stage and announced that the concert was about to begin. Amber could feel the butterflies in her stomach. Those butterflies turned into rockets as he said, “And now please welcome Micky Dolenz!”

Amber clapped wildly and cheered along with everyone else in the theater as Micky came out singing “Last Train to Clarksville”. She looked up at him on stage, noticing that he had changed into a pair of black pants and a white shirt. He looked even more incredible then when they had lunch.

Micky’s eyes scanned the audience looking for her. He found her sitting in the front row smiling up at him and waving the menu from the restaurant. He smiled and winked at her, knowing that it would be a long time before he would be able to get her out of his head. And as the concert continued, he would look at her ever chance he had.

Amber was falling in love with him. It wasn’t because he was a celebrity or because she had grown up watching him on television. It was because he was a real person. During their lunch, he was funny and charming. She had always thought he was sexy but even more so now because she had learned a little about the person behind the looks. And she wanted to learn more but knew in her heart that that probably wasn’t possible.


“Thank you!” Micky said into the microphone and then took a bow for the cheering audience. He looked at Amber and gave her a sexy smile before exiting the stage.

It wasn’t long before a security guard tapped Amber on the shoulder. “Excuse me, miss?”

“Yes.” Amber looked at him with eyebrows raised.

“Could you please come with me?” He gently took her by the elbow and led her backstage.


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