~Open Your Eyes - Part 6~

Micky dropped Annabelle off at her house that evening giving her a friendly hug goodbye. She went inside, changed into her pajamas and made a cup of tea. After lighting some candles around the living room, she sat down on the couch. Before she had moved, her whole life had been in order and now she did not know what to think. Before she had met Micky, her life had a plan. She was going to marry Vincent and live her life with him. But would she be happy? Could she be happy with a man she did not love? Could she live with a man that valued money more than friendship? Up until a few days before, she thought she could, but now she just wasn’t sure. Micky, Mike, Peter and Davy were her friends now. She liked being with them. They made her laugh, they were kind and even though they didn’t have any money, they were happy. She had discovered for the first time that having money couldn’t bring true friendship, the kind of friendship she had with them.

And what about her feelings for Micky? That first kiss they had shared stirred something deep inside her. It was an ache she had never experienced before. The men she was used to dating had never kissed her like that. No one had not even Vincent. Micky had such passion, such fire. He was the opposite of Vincent. He did not care about money or material possessions. He cared about his friends and their music. Yes, he wanted the Monkees to make it in the music world, not because of the fame and the fortune, but because he had something to share.

She went to bed that night sad and confused tossing and turning most of the night. But by the time morning broke, she knew what she had to do. She called her father and invited him and her grandmother over for lunch.


“Hello Daddy, Grandmother.” Annabelle happily opened the door. She kissed them both on the cheek and led them into the living room.

“What a charming little place.” Her grandmother, Susan, turned up her nose.

“Thank you.” Annabelle smiled anyway. “Please, sit down. Can I get you anything? I made some iced tea this morning.”

“No, thank you, honey.” Her father, Anthony, smiled. “Why don’t you tell us what you wanted to talk to us about?”

“Right.” She took a deep breath and clasped her hands in front of her. “I don’t want to marry Vincent.”

“You’re just nervous, dear.” Her grandmother said.

“No, I’m not nervous.” She looked at her father. “Daddy, I don’t love him.”

“You will grow to love him.” He explained. “And you’ll have everything you’ve always wanted.”

“No, I’ll have everything that you’ve always wanted.” Her eyes pleaded with them to understand.

“Don’t speak to your father that way. He’s only doing what’s best for you.” Susan stated. “Now, we will forget all this silly talk and start planning your wedding.”

“You aren’t listening to me!” Tears flooded her eyes. “There isn’t going to be a wedding. I am not marrying him.” Just then, there was a knock on the door. “Excuse me.” Annabelle quickly wiped her eyes and went to answer the door.

“Hey Belle.” Micky stood on the other side. His smile turned to concern. “Gosh, have you been crying? What’s wrong?”

“Nothing, I’m alright.” She gave a soft smile. “My father and grandmother are here. Would you like to meet them?”

“Sure.” He followed her into the living room.

“Daddy, Grandmother, this is my friend Micky Dolenz.” Annabelle said. “Micky, this is my father, Anthony Spano and my grandmother, Susan Spano.”

“It’s nice to meet the both of you.” Micky smiled.

“Is he the reason you are throwing your life away?” Susan asked harshly.

“No! This is my own decision.” Annabelle explained.

“We will not discuss this anymore!” Her grandmother stood up. “Not only are you going to marry Vincent, but you are going to move back home where you belong!”

“Grandmother, please!” She begged. “I don’t want to come back home. I’m happy here.” She looked at her father. “Daddy?”

“You will do as your grandmother says, Annabelle.” He sighed as they walked towards the door. “Uncle Gino and I will be here in the morning with a moving van.” With that, they left.

Annabelle turned to Micky, tears streaming down her face. “What am I going to do?”

He quickly took her into his arms holding her tightly. “I don’t know, baby, but we’ll figure out something. I promise.”


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