~Open Your Eyes - Part 7~

Micky led Annabelle over to the couch, pulled her onto his lap and held her why she cried. “I don’t want to move back home with them.” She whimpered. “And I don’t want to marry Vincent.”

“You don’t know how happy I am to hear you say that.” He laughed a little and gently stroked her back.

That made her laugh. She looked up at him and smiled. “What are you doing here anyway?”

“Oh! I almost forgot.” He wiped the tears off her face. “I went to the music store this morning and afterwards I went into the bookstore next door. I wanted to ask Mr. Fredrick how much he thought it would cost to start a bookstore.”

“You did that for me?” She looked at him almost dreamily.

“Yes.” He smiled. “Anyway, Mr. Fredrick told me something better. He said he was selling the bookstore because he wants to retire. And I told him that I might know of someone to buy it.”

“Me? Buy it?” She shook her head in disbelief. “I don’t…that’s a really big decision.”

“It is, but it’s also something you’ve always wanted.” He held her hands. “You deserve this. And the guys and I will help you.”

“I’m so glad I met you.” She hugged him tightly. “Can you take me down there to see it?”

“Yes!” He hugged her back. “Let’s go!”


As soon as Annabelle walked into Mr. Fredrick’s bookstore, she fell in love with the place. Micky could see it in her eyes. She walked around talking it all in. It needed a fresh coat of paint and the wooden bookshelves and tables could use some polishing, but otherwise it was absolutely charming. There was a winding iron staircase that led to the second floor, which looked over at the main floor leaving the whole room open and spacious. Micky introduced Annabelle to Mr. Fredrick. He then gave her the grand tour. There was a large office in the back along with a storage room and a bathroom.

Annabelle grabbed Micky’s arm and whispered, “Can you take me to the bank?”

“Does that mean?” He smiled hopefully.

“Yes!” She giggled as he picked her up and swung her around.


By the end of the day, the paperwork for Annabelle to buy the bookstore was in motion. She celebrated that evening with Micky and the guys. They ordered pizza, drank a bottle of wine and talked and laughed until the wee hours of the morning. Micky walked her home and promised that he and the others would be there in the morning to give her moral support in facing her father.


The next morning, they were waiting with her when her father, Uncle Gino and the movers arrived. “Are you packed?” Richard asked.

“I’m not going.” Annabelle stated firmly.

“We’ve discussed this, Annabelle.” He said. “You are moving back home.”

“No, I’m not. I’m staying here.” She tried to keep her voice calm. “I’m happy here.”

“And what will you do to support yourself?” He asked angrily. “Because you won’t see a dime from me.”

“I don’t need your money.” She replied. “I bought a bookstore.”

“You what?!”

“I used some of the money that mom left me.” She explained. “I sign the papers tomorrow.”

“You don’t know anything about running a business!” He yelled.

“I can learn. The man I’m buying it from said he would teach me.” She looked over at Micky. “And my friends said they would help me.”

“You’ll never make, not with the help of these friends of yours.” He gestured towards the guys. “They are nothing but a bunch of long-haired hippie losers!”

“That’s not true!” Annabelle yelled.

“Six months! You’ll be begging for my help in six months.” He pointed at finger at her. “And you won’t get it! I no longer have a daughter. You are dead to me!” He turned and stormed out the door.

“Well, its official.” Annabelle choked back the tears. “I’m an orphan.”

“No, honey, that’s not true.” Micky walked up behind her putting his hands on her shoulders.

“Micky is right.” Peter smiled as he, Mike and Davy went to her. “We can be your family now.”

She looked at each of them. “My family.” She smiled as they swarmed her in a hug.



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