~More Than Just A Friend - Part 1~

“Maybe my father was right.” Annabelle dropped her head on the desk. “I don’t know anything about running a business.”

“Your father was wrong.” Micky sat down on the edge of the desk and stroked her hair. “This place is incredible and the grand opening tomorrow is going to be even better.”

She looked up at him. “I never could have done any of this without you guys.” She started laughing.

“What’s so funny?” He asked.

“I was thinking about the day we painted and you dumped that can of green paint on Mike’s head.” She leaned back in the chair holding her stomach and laughing.

“It really was an accident.” Micky laughed. “You know, he still hasn’t forgiven me.”

“I’m sorry.” She really tried to stop laughing but couldn’t help it. “He chased you around the block with green paint all over him.”

“Its good to hear you laugh.” He smiled. “Are you still nervous about tomorrow?”


“Everything is going to be great.” He gave her a friendly hug. “I should go, Mike wants to rehearse tonight. But we will be here tomorrow.”

“Thank you, Mick, for everything.” She hugged him again.

“You’re welcome, Belle.” He kissed her forehead and then left.


Annabelle locked the door and then wandered around the bookstore. Her bookstore, she smiled. Micky had been right, the place did look incredible. They had painted the walls soft light blue. Then Micky painted colorful bunches of flowers throughout the store. Peter and Mike sanded down and re-stained the tables and bookshelves in a light wood color. Annabelle bought new reading lamps for the tables giving the whole place a soft glow. And Davy charmed the carpet saleswoman into giving them the carpet for wholesale. The five of them had worked very hard to turn the bookstore into exactly what Annabelle had pictured.


The next morning, Annabelle opened the bookstore at nine o’clock sharp. She sat at the counter in the front of the store waiting for her first customer and was happily surprised to see Millie and Larry walk through the door. They lived two doors down from The Monkees. Ever since the guys had set them up, they had sort of adopted them and now Annabelle too.

“Oh, Annabelle, the place looks wonderful!” Millie gushed. “I brought you a cheesecake.”

“Thank you, Millie.” Annabelle smiled taking the cheesecake and almost drooling at the thought of a big piece.

“My boys, they said we had to come down and see your store.” She smiled. “They are quite taken with you, you know, especially my Micky.”

“Really?” She blushed.

“Ah! I see the feeling is mutual.” Millie gently elbowed Larry.

“Don’t but in, Mil.” Larry laughed.

Just then, Micky, Mike, Peter and Davy walked in. “Is that cheesecake?” Micky made a beeline for Annabelle.

“Yes, and its all mine.” She teased.

“Fine, be that way.” He pretended to pout.

“I’ll share.” She smiled. “I’m so glad you guys are here.”

“We wouldn’t miss your big opening, darlin’.” Mike smiled. “Besides, you’ll need help when all the customers start pouring in.”

“I hope you’re right.” She crossed her fingers.


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