~More Than Just A Friend - Part 2~

The opening of the bookstore was a huge success. But Annabelle was glad to see Saturday come because that meant the store closed at five and she could go to The Monkees’ gig that night. They had just started a ten-weekend gig at the Club Cassandra.

Annabelle locked up the store and went home. She showered, changed into a new dress and then went to the club. She got there in the middle of their first set. The club was crowded and everyone was on their feet dancing. She made her way through the crowd towards the stage. Finding an empty table, she sat down to watch.

The Monkees finished their first set and the jukebox kicked in so they could take a break. Annabelle walked to the side of the stage. “Hi! You guys sounded great.” She smiled.

“Hey Belle!” Micky scooped her up in a hug. “I’m so glad you made it. There’s someone I want you to meet.”

“Okay.” She looked around. “Who?”

Just then a tall leggy brunette with dark eyes walked up and slipped her arm through Micky’s arm. He leaned over and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

“Linda, this is my best friend, Annabelle.” Micky smiled. “Belle, this is Linda.”

“It’s so great to meet you.” Linda smiled brightly with perfect teeth. “Mick has told me all about you.”

“Really?” Annabelle stared at Micky.

“Mick, we need to get back on stage.” Mike walked up. “Hey Annie.” That was the nickname he had started using for her. “How long have you been here?”

“Long enough.” She tired to keep her voice from cracking. “It was just wonderful to meet you Linda, but I need to be going. It’s been a long week and I’m a little tired.” With that, she turned and left the club.

“I wonder what’s up with her.” Micky commented.

“Gee, I wonder.” Mike said sarcastically and then went back on stage.


Mike and Peter went over to Annabelle’s house after the gig. When she opened the door, they could tell that she had been crying. “Hey Annie, we came over to see if you were alright.” They followed her into the living room.

“I’m fine.” She lied. “Just tired, that’s all.” She took a deep breath. “So, who’s Linda?”

“They met at the beach on Thursday.” Mike started.

“She’s really nice.” Peter interrupted.

“Oh.” She sat down on the couch.

“I guess he figured that since you told him that you just wanted to be friends…” Peter continued.

“When I said that I was engaged to Paul.” Annabelle interrupted.

“Does that mean you want to be more than friends with him?” Mike asked.

“It did…until tonight.” She sighed.

“You should tell him.” Peter said.

“No! And I don’t want either of you to tell him.” She stated. “I saw how happy he looked with her tonight. I’m not going to ruin that for him.”

“But what about you?” Peter asked.

“I’ll be fine.” She gave a soft smile. “Besides, he’s still my friend and I wouldn’t change that for anything.”


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