~More Than Just A Friend - Part 4~

“What’s wrong with you tonight?” Linda sighed. She and Micky were sitting on the couch in her apartment. “I feel like I’m here by myself.”

“I’m sorry, baby.” Micky reached over and gave her hand a squeeze. “I had an argument with Belle this morning and I just can’t get it off my mind.”

“Oh?” She turned her head so he wouldn’t see her smile. “Peter told me that she and Mike were going out on a date tonight.”

“Yeah, I guess.” He sighed.

“Good. Maybe now she’ll moon over him instead of you.”

“Are you jealous?” He asked with a grin.

“No.” She answered defensively. “I’m just saying that she moons over you like she’s in love with you or something.” She explained. “And she is constantly calling on you for every little thing.”

“You are jealous!” Micky chuckled.

“I am not. I just want everyone to know what’s mine.” She traced his jaw with her fingertip.

“I don’t belong to you.” He pushed her hand away.

“Face it, Mick, I’m the best you’ve ever had.” She gave a sultry laugh. “And the best you ever will have.”

“You’re pretty sure of yourself.” He moved away from her.

“Yes, I am.” She stated. “Listen Micky, there are a ton of guys out there who would love to be with me.”

“Then maybe you should go find one of them!” He stood up. “I don’t think we should see each other anymore.” He walked towards the door.

“You’ll be back.” She stormed. “You’ll come crawling back to me and I’ll laugh in your face!”

“Don’t hold your breath, babe!” Micky said with a chuckle and then left.


Meanwhile, Mike drove down to the bookstore to meet Annabelle. “Hey Annie.” He walked in and handed her a pink rose.

“Hi.” She gave him a soft smile and smelled the rose. “Thank you, Michael, it’s beautiful.”

“You’re welcome.” He returned her smile. “Are you ready to go?”

“Yes, I just have to lock up.” She switched the lights off.

“Do you want to grab some dinner? Or we could see a movie.” They walked outside.

Annabelle locked the door of the store. “Could we just go for a walk on the beach? I don’t feel much like being around a bunch of people.”

“Sure, darlin’. We can do anything you want.” They walked to the car and got in.

Mike drove them back to Annabelle’s house and from there they walked out on the beach. “Long day?” He asked as they walked down towards the water.

“You have no idea.” She sighed. “It started bad and just kept getting worse.”

“Anything I can do?” He took her hand and held it as they walked.

“No.” She smiled. “I’m just happy to be here with you.”


The next morning, Mike came downstairs and found Peter and Davy in the kitchen. “Hey Mike, how was your date with Annabelle?” Davy asked.

“Real nice.” He poured himself a cup of coffee and sat down at the table. “We went for a long walk on the beach.”

“Did you kiss her?” Peter giggled.

“Not that it’s any of your business, but yes, we kissed.” He stuck his face behind the newspaper so they wouldn’t see him blush.

“You kissed her?!” Micky stormed into the kitchen and ripped the paper out of his hands.

“Don’t do that.” Mike said calmly. “And yes, I kissed her. Why do you care?”

“You know how I feel about her.” Micky answered. “How could you do that to me?”

“I didn’t do anything to you.” Mike stood up. “And how would I know how you feel? With all your jokes and stupid antics, it’s hard to tell how you feel about anything. Not to mention the fact that you have a girlfriend!”

“I broke up with her last night!” Micky yelled.

“So that means I’m just supposed to step aside and let you have Annabelle?” Mike walked into the living room. “Think again, buddy boy, because that ain’t gonna happen.”

“The only reason she went out with you in the first place was because she was mad at me!” Micky stated.

Just then, Annabelle walked in the front door. “Hey, what’s going on in here? I could hear you yelling outside.”

“Nothing!” Both Mike and Micky yelled at her.

She walked over to Davy and Peter. “What are they fighting about?”

“You, love.” Davy answered.

“Me??” She looked over at him and both he and Peter nodded.

“She went out with you to get back at me!” Micky continued and then shoved Mike’s shoulder.

“We don’t want to do this, man!” Mike glared at him.

“No?” Micky pushed him again. “I think we do.”

“Stop it, both of you!” Annabelle yelled.

“Stay out of this, Annie!” Mike stated and then pushed Micky in the shoulder.

Peter and Davy both hurried into the living room. “Guys, please don’t fight.” Peter pleaded.

Mike looked over at him and that’s when Micky threw the first punch. Fists started flying as they rolled over and over on the floor. Mike punched Micky in the stomach and then jumped back up on his feet. “Had enough, shotgun?!” He growled.

“Not even close.” Micky also stood up. They circled each other with clenched fists at the ready.

“Please stop this!” Annabelle ran up to them and placed a hand on each of their shoulders.

“I told you to stay out of this, Annie.” Mike gently pushed her aside.

“Knock it off!” She yelled, swatting them both in the shoulder. “I am not going to stand here and watch the two of you act like barbarians.”

“Belle, tell him that you only went out with him because you were mad at me.” Micky pointed at Mike.

“Tell him that isn’t true, Annie!” Mike yelled back.

She looked from Micky to Mike and was quiet for a moment before speaking, her voice very calm and cold, “I don’t want to see either of you again…EVER!” And with that, she turned and stormed out the door.


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