~More Than Just A Friend - Part 5~

Annabelle stayed clear of the pad, the guys and even the beach for the rest of the week spending most of her time at the bookstore. She didn’t want to take any chances in running into Micky or Mike. But by the time Sunday came, she had a serious case of cabin fever so she went to the beach. Climbing up on the rocks near the water, she sat and watched the horizon.

“Hey Annabelle.” Peter walked up next to the rocks. “Feel like some company?”

“Yes!” She smiled brightly and patted the rock next to her.

“We’ve missed you.” He climbed up and sat down.

“I’ve missed you and Davy too.” She said coldly turning her attention back to the ocean.

“Mike and Mick are both feeling awful about what happened.” He said quietly.

“Good!” Then she sighed. “I’m sorry.”

“You need to talk to them.” He put his arm around her.

“I know.” She laid her head against his shoulder.

“They are both home right now.” He took her hand and helped her down off the rock. “Come on.”


Peter went inside, finding Mike playing his guitar and Micky watching TV. “Annabelle is outside on the patio.” They both jumped up and ran for the door. Peter put his hands up, stopping them both. “She wants to talk to you one at a time.”

They looked at each other. “You go first, man.” Micky said.

“Yeah, okay.” Mike shrugged and went outside. He saw her standing at the wall of the patio looking out towards the beach. “Hi Annie.” He said softly.

She turned around and sat down. “Hi.”

“I’m glad you came over.” He sat down on the wall next to her. “I want to apologize for what happened. You were right, we were acting like barbarians.”

She laughed a little. “You’ve been a good friend to me since I moved in.”

“I like you, darlin’.” He took her hand. “But I think you should go out with Micky.”

“What?” She looked at him stunned.

“You and I are always going to be friends, nothing will ever change that.” He cupped her chin. “But there is something more than that between you and Mick. It’s been there practically since the day you moved in. And it’s special.”

She hugged him tightly. “I love you.”

“I know you do.” He held her. “But you’re IN love with him.”


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