~More Than Just A Friend - Part 6~

“What happened?” Micky asked as soon as Mike came back inside.

“Just go talk to her.” He patted him on the shoulder.

“Are you alright, man?” Micky looked concerned.

“Yeah, go talk to her.” He gave a small smile and then went upstairs.

Micky walked outside on the patio and took a deep breath before saying anything. “Hey Belle.”

She looked up and gave him a faint smile. “Hi.”

He walked over and sat down next to her on the patio wall. “I am so sorry about what happened.”

“I know.” She patted his hand.

“I just got so jealous that you went out with Mike.” He continued.

“Then why did you act like you didn’t care when I told you he kissed me?” She asked.

“I didn’t want you to know I was upset.” He looked down at the ground.

“This relationship is never going to work if we aren’t honest with each other.”

“Relationship?” His head snapped up.

“Yes. We have a relationship, don’t we, a friendship?”

“Oh yeah, of course we do.” He said quickly. “I thought you meant something more.”

“Did you really break up with Linda?” She asked.

“Yes.” He looked her directly in the eye. “I figured out that she’s not the one I want to be with.”

Her cheeks blushed a little. “Did you have someone else in mind?”

“You.” He brushed the hair out of her face. “I know we’ve had some problems, but I hope you’ll consider it.”

“Yeah, I’ll consider it.” She smiled. “How about tonight?”

“I’ll have to check my schedule.” He laughed. “But I think I can fit you in.”

She swatted him in the arm. “You think?”

“I’m just kidding.” He gently grabbed her hand and kissed it. “I would love to make you dinner tonight.”

“You can cook?” She asked surprised.

“Yes, I can cook.” He defended.

“Okay.” She giggled. “What time?”

“I’ll be over at seven.” He kissed her on the forehead.


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